Fic (Merlin): Time Forward

Feb 15, 2012 22:15

Fandom: Merlin
Title: Time Forward
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arthur/merlin, arthur/gwen, au, angst, fics, first time, merlin, modern au, merlin/other, r

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Comments 30

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kianspo February 16 2012, 09:06:05 UTC
Yay. *g* You know how I hate patchwork, but these came in surprisingly integral. Fate? :)

Thanks for the cupcake!!! I love chocolate. :D


claudine February 16 2012, 03:30:00 UTC
That was so good and hit all my angsty buttons, yet it was never overdone. Merlin's longing and everything, argh, and Arthur ruining his night out with friends and Kieran had me OMGing at the screen.

;_; Such a wonderful story. I wish I had better comments to give other than I LOVE THIS.


kianspo February 16 2012, 09:07:32 UTC
Thank you very much. I just felt that this story had to be written, it was one of those.

Thank you for reading. ♥


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kianspo February 16 2012, 09:14:29 UTC
Oh bb. Broke my own heart, too, if it's any consolation. And I'm happy that the put-back-together part worke for you. Wouldn't have been worth it otherwise.

Thanks for reading. ♥


chaosmaka February 16 2012, 06:22:37 UTC
That was just brilliant! Loved it, thank you! :) ♥


kianspo February 16 2012, 09:14:55 UTC
Thank you. ♥


vozdeunangel February 16 2012, 06:32:16 UTC
It's 3:22 am and my eyes are red and puffy, because this story was so freaking perfect and realistic. Every single situation was too much for my sad sad heart, but oh so real. *sigh* I cried when Arthur ruined the night because Kieran was there and his fear of losing Merlin again. And Merlin's longing was painful but understandable and I just want to hug them and hug you because you created something so painfully beautiful.


kianspo February 16 2012, 09:18:25 UTC
Thank you. I just felt that it had to be written, all of it. Had to be said. Because sometimes these two break my heart something awful and I wanted to give them a chance to fix it. It was worth it.

Thanks so much for reading. ♥


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