One of these days he'll make one for you

Dec 10, 2011 02:50

You know, whenever someone's been reporting computer trouble, I winced in sympathy, but somewhere deep inside there was always this thought: thank God it's not mine. Because my comp is old and falling to pieces and I've no idea what I'd do if it fails, my whole life is in that box. (Which is pathetic but not the point now.)

The point now is -- it ( Read more... )

not writing, personal log

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Comments 5

scraplove December 9 2011, 23:39:04 UTC
I send hugs and my doggy sends kisses! <3


twisting_vine_x December 10 2011, 00:43:50 UTC
Oh, sweetheart, I'm so, so sorry. I hope that baby gets better soon, and I'll be sending lots of get-well thoughts in your general direction. Many hugs, and best of luck. ♥


ariadnechan December 10 2011, 01:39:42 UTC
Oh my friend i will miss you so much!!!
*A LOT OF BIG HUGS* your way
i hope a shiny laptop be under your tree this Xmas!


jaylee_g December 10 2011, 09:37:21 UTC
Oh Christ, you poor thing *big hugs*. I feel so bad, there aren't even words enough to describe the full extent of how much that must suck. My life's on my laptop too, so I can only imagine your devastation. I'm so sorry, darling. Let me know if there is anything I can do, be it relaying messages or whatever you need.


loaded_march December 10 2011, 13:46:44 UTC
Oh, that sucks balls. I'm sorry to hear that and I hope it gets resolved quick/soon! I will shoot you emails from time to time :D


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