One of these days he'll make one for you

Dec 10, 2011 02:50

You know, whenever someone's been reporting computer trouble, I winced in sympathy, but somewhere deep inside there was always this thought: thank God it's not mine. Because my comp is old and falling to pieces and I've no idea what I'd do if it fails, my whole life is in that box. (Which is pathetic but not the point now.)

The point now is -- it happened. It died, and I'm typing this on borrowed time. I probably will be able to save my files at some point in the future, but right now I'm cut off from them. So I guess what this means is, I'm going on hiatus. I don't know how long it'll last. If I had a fairy godmother who'd show up from time to time, I'd hope tomorrow, but as it is, it's unlikely. It'll be until I either manage to ressurect my computer somehow or buy and tune a new one. Money's pretty tight right now, so I don't know when either of those things is going to happen.

Guess I'll see you guys when I see you?

(P.S. I won't be on gchat, but I will be reading mail. So, um, if you need me, you know where to find me.)

not writing, personal log

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