Fic (Merlin): Not Set In Stone

Jun 09, 2011 01:57

Fandom: Merlin
Title: Not Set In Stone
Author: kianspo 
Beta: secret_chord25  (who graciously read this for me even though it's not her fandom *clings*)
Pairings: Arthur/Merlin (main), also Arthur/Gwen, Merlin/Gwaine, Gwaine/Elena
Genre: future!fic, angst
Rating: R
Word count: ~3200
Warnings: infidelity, minor character death, open end
Spoilers: everything up to the end of S3, ( Read more... )

gwaine/elena, arthur/merlin, arthur/gwen, angst, merlin/gwaine, fics, first time, merlin, r

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Comments 22

archaeologist_d June 8 2011, 22:31:52 UTC
This was marvelous. I loved the absolute loneliness of it, how Merlin feels like no one even knows he's gone and there he is at the end, making decisions that affect them both without really understanding just how lonely Arthur is. I'd love to know if Arthur argued him out of whatever it was (I'm guessing he'd try to leave). But it was great.


kianspo June 9 2011, 08:01:17 UTC
Oh, I'd love to know that, too. Merlin seems a bit... locked inside his own head. But there are always the two of them to any argument. ;)

Thank you for reading. I'm so happy you enjoyed. :)


monicaop June 9 2011, 04:44:32 UTC
Oh my!!! This was strong, and sad, and depressing and hot... and I want to know what decision Merlin made!!!!

Oh, this is going to keep me wondering!!! Awesome writing!! Be well :)


kianspo June 9 2011, 08:06:31 UTC
Thank you very much! I really do want to know that, too, but you know Merlin, he's an enigma wrapped in riddles... ;)

Thank you for reading. :)


desigirl6 June 9 2011, 05:01:46 UTC
Oh, how hauntingly gorgeous. Merlin's whole one-sided conversation with Freya was my favorite because of how lonely he seems in those moments. Very beautiful piece, well done.


kianspo June 9 2011, 08:08:15 UTC
Thank you. *blushes* Sad as it is, that was exactly what I was aiming for with the setting. So your comment makes me so very happy indeed. :)


goth_prostitute June 9 2011, 05:16:14 UTC
this was so lovely and bittersweet... and it just made me want to jump into this fic, shake the boys and box their ears for being silly and force them to have more good times until they get that they need each other...

i've read it about four times now and each time i still fell like doing it...


kianspo June 9 2011, 08:10:08 UTC
Oh dear, it makes me want to jump into canon sometimes and shake everybody... :D

Thank you very much for reading and, you know, not giving up on your wish. :)


lowcutjeans June 9 2011, 12:15:06 UTC

I hate lj. You know why.

Hey girl, this fic is now on my list of all time favorites.
Because, that feeling of sadness and joy? At the same time? Beautiful words cutting deep? The sense of doom and hope? The bittersweet taste after reading? It makes me so happy. I know, I know. Masochist here. :P
I love it.


kianspo June 9 2011, 15:22:45 UTC
:D I love you, too. ;)


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