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Comments 26

marguerite_26 March 14 2012, 14:29:19 UTC
*curls up in a little corner I like to call denial*


kianspo March 14 2012, 14:41:09 UTC
There's room there, right? *sighs*


marguerite_26 March 14 2012, 14:46:41 UTC
I have a blanket. And alcohol. Let's make a fort. Fort Denial.

Here lives canon AUs and modern AUs and whatever happens in S5 will not tear down these walls.


kianspo March 14 2012, 14:51:44 UTC
I have a blanket, too, and some cushions. Also a very angry cat.

The walls will stand.


nahara March 14 2012, 16:27:25 UTC
Uh oh. Do I dare read the article that has caused such violent and negative emotions? D:


kianspo March 14 2012, 20:43:52 UTC
'Violent and negative emotions?' There's not much positive about it, I guess, but calling my venting violent would be a bit overboard surely?


nahara March 15 2012, 00:22:28 UTC


kianspo March 15 2012, 13:11:41 UTC


darlulu March 14 2012, 18:43:41 UTC
Well, if we're not caring how we sound about Gwen, I'll do you one better...I wouldn't worry too much about what was said in this article since TPTB always talk her character's importance up in interview while in the show itself her character's role remains rather limited, not to mention ineffectual and pointless when she does get to be front and center ( ... )


kianspo March 14 2012, 20:49:32 UTC
Yeah maybe. I just feel that the fans have been asked to swallow so much crap sometimes -- in the way TPTB treat all the characters -- that there are moments when it just blows. I'm glad I'm not an Arthur fan, his character has been completely rebooted at least 3 times by my count. Morgana had a personality transplant that was never adequately explained. Gwen's participation in the events amounted to being there looking pretty most of the time. Merlin was pushed to the background for the sake of anyone at all for the past 2 seasons. It's frustrating.

*sighs* You're right, there's always hope it on't be quite so bad. Wow, high expectations I have of my favourite show. :)


loaded_march March 14 2012, 19:36:43 UTC

We should rewrite Merlin the way we think it should be. *nods sagely*


kianspo March 14 2012, 20:50:41 UTC
We should write like ALTERNATE SERIES 3. And series 4. And certainly series 5.


loaded_march March 14 2012, 20:57:51 UTC


Let's do that!


kianspo March 14 2012, 21:20:03 UTC
Yeah. Like one at a time until it starts making sense it was supposed to.


ariadnechan March 14 2012, 21:31:03 UTC
when they kill Lancelot all goes to hell!

well i think in your own journal you have the right to say what you think and i can say i second you all the way!!

you knew this i disliked Gwen since day one, and More everyday!
also these lancelot and these gwen have so good chemistry that really was stupid to continue with Arthur/Gwen; Gwen never really loves Arthur and These Arthur and Gwen have no chemistry what so ever!!

She will betray Arthur again, if not the writers are hallucinating, also she is not the confident adviser type at all.

I think the writers did a bad bad choice doing this to Arthur/merlin relationship, even if they never get it on.


kianspo March 15 2012, 13:14:02 UTC
Yes, I do believe that if I can't speak my mind in my own journal, there's probably no point in having one. Still, I'm sorry if it offends anyone or if I come off as violent anything.

But anyway, yeah. What you said. *g*


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