Merlin related rant and a video

Mar 14, 2012 17:44

I'm beginning to think that I hate Johnny Capps. Possibly also Julian Murphy. I don't want to, seriously, I don't want to revert to a 5-year-old, but I rather feel like it. That's what they've released so far regarding series 5. It makes me think that I'm gonna want to watch series 1 on repeat loop and pretend like the rest of it never happened. Screw Gwen, seriously. I don't care how it makes me sound. I hate character bashing, I have never and will never treat her unfairly in my writing, but I'll be damned if I can't say it out loud at least once. Screw Gwen. She's done nothing to earn her wonderful new position. Nothing. Except flashed excessive cleavage at every available opportunity (probably to appeal to those more adult audiences, eh? Fuck that noise). Now we're gonna see her in her brand new shiny role as Arthur's confidant and advisor? Screw that.

I think I'm gonna be bitter and sad about it and write and read as many modern AUs as I can. Just to take the edge off.

In other news, some wonderful person posted this early Colin video today and I keep staring at it. His accent is a weapon that should be licenced. Other than that, I can't decide if he can pull off sinister or not. It's not that I don't believe him, it's that I don't want to. *g*

colin morgan is out to get me, you've got to be kidding me, merlin, i'm in deep, rant

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