The Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Kink Meme 3!
The meme is now closed to requests. Please visit
Kink Meme Four to post any prompts you think of. This meme is still open for commenting and filling requests.
You can find the list of unfilled prompts from the second kink meme here:
Part 1/
Part 2. A list of filled requests from that meme is
here if you want
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Of course, you managed to keep anon happy and there was no such a thing as a rushed ending - that was... intention. Besides, to be perfectly honest, most writers (here) wouldn't even bother to think of an ending. Let alone a proper introduction/beginning. Or plot.
This brings anon to the second point: Loved the overall pace of this fic and how you developed things from being pretty much canon (Hibari knew nothing about Chrome - Brilliant!) to delicious smut!
Anon hopes that requester will find out about the fill.
Furthermore you'll have my vote in terms of the Het Award.
P.S. Mori or Kyo... well, Mukuro does seem like someone who would nickname Hibari's son just for the heck of it. So,(Nami)Mori-kun is more than fitting :D
Lol, the point of a kink meme is to get right to the smut, I'm just one of the oddballs who can't write smut without setting some kind of plot or structure ^^;
I hope the OP finds this too since this was one of the oldmeme requests so it seemed sad it was unfilled and abandoned for the better part of two...almost three years I think.
Awww thank you for the vote. And as for the kid's name, lol now that you say that makes sense that Mukuro would nickname Kyoya's heir just to irritate the man further.
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