Ok, I understand the love you have for them, but please....

Aug 12, 2006 15:08

Specifically, please explain to me why, in almost every single sequel epic to Kingdom Hearts II that I've read, the Organization returns to life.
Now, this is going to be one of my longer rants, so get yourself something to eat before reading. Ok? Ok. Let's begin. )

worlds, organization

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Comments 69

anonymous August 12 2006, 20:24:08 UTC
Was Dumbo a Disney movie? If it is, I'd like to see that world!

As for obsure worlds? I haven't got a clue.

(Though if you do include Dumbo, could you link me?)

But when you say bringing the Organization back is lack of confidence in yourself, laziness, or exploitation of people's Org-love... I have to say it might be because one wants to see more of them and can't expect the games to do that. And also, I think I have a very legitimate reason for including them in a story I'm writing: it's about what would've happened if they created Kingdom Hearts. I don't think it would work very well without them (and I didn't resurrect them; I set it before their deaths).


shugamri August 12 2006, 20:28:37 UTC
That's not the point though. Alternate Universe fics, pre-KHI, II and CoM fics are all well and good. My argument is that they shouldn't be resurrected for post-KHII fics. It's a cop-out. Yes, we'd all love to see our favorite characters again, but unless it actually serves a purpose in the plot, and could happen if the Kingdom Hearts team does it, it's a cop-out.

And why do you go with the Anonymous thing? No one here is going to lampbast you for your opinion.


anonymous August 13 2006, 05:52:35 UTC
1) Okay, sorry, misunderstood!
2) No LJ


princealia August 12 2006, 23:54:23 UTC
Yes, Dumbo is a Disney movie like whoa.


akino_ame August 12 2006, 20:40:56 UTC
Yeah, it would be nice seeing new villains sometimes. And Something Wicked This Way Comes? I haven't seen the movie, but if it's anything like the book, I'd love to see a world of that. Mr. Dark as an enemy and Will Halloway as a temp party member.


shugamri August 12 2006, 21:00:32 UTC
Actually, I was imagining a Final Fantasy/SquareEnix character to be a world party member, but he'd do too. As for new villains, I'd love to see them. But also, I'd love to see new antagonistic characters. They differ from villains in that, while they are against the heroes, in another light, they'd be the good guys as well.


(The comment has been removed)

shugamri August 12 2006, 20:58:05 UTC
1.) That would be terrifing and awesome at the same time.
2.) Yes. In their early ad campaigns for the movie, Disney advertised the Evil Queen as Queen Grimhilde.
and 3.) Thanks. But how so? And do you have a world suggestion?


(The comment has been removed)

shugamri August 12 2006, 21:20:44 UTC
Was the Yellow Submarine a Disney movie? I've seen it, and it would probably make Sora and crew wonder if they were on drugs or something.

And I think I misunderstoon John Lennon for John LENIN. Yeah, I'm out of it a bit.

And what picture?


indigorosebud August 12 2006, 21:10:33 UTC
Question! Would it be ok to write a post KH2 Org fic if the focus on the fic is the O13 trying once again to get their hearts back and finding out more about what they really are?


shugamri August 12 2006, 21:13:35 UTC
....First off, they already know what they are. They are Nobody. They are truly those lacking hearts.

And as for the prior, how would you pull that off? Unless they went to the Underworld, as one writer has done, they're probably now in a place they can't escape from.

However, far be it for me to deny others the right to try and write a post-KHII fic with the Organization. I'm just saying that it's, well, rather lame and uninspired.


indigorosebud August 12 2006, 22:03:10 UTC
Well, the way I put it, the O13 knew that they were probably going to die during their mission, so the scientists of the group created an orb thing that collected all their souls when said sould were ripped from their boodies, and when Xemnas' soul was put inside it would trigger a reaction that would recreate their bodies and put their souls back in, but any spells cast on them would be reset (explaining why most of the members were so nonchalant about dying).

Yeah.. I guess I should stick to writing gen!O13!roomate!humor!type!fic. And it doesn't help that my plot is going to require the use of an OC failed attempt at a non-Sue. Sorry to fork the lameness on you guys...


indigorosebud August 13 2006, 05:57:03 UTC
Sounds good. Link?


feriowind August 12 2006, 21:41:04 UTC
Hee, you should totally use The Thief and the Cobbler! Ah, that was such a cute movie. The cobbler's (did he have a name? I can't remember) voice at the end made me crack up.


shugamri August 13 2006, 00:57:53 UTC
Tack/Tak, I think. Actually, I saw the original version (or rather, the Recobbled cut on YouTube). His uber-deep voice makes him almost better than Aladdin in my book.

I thought of that because Miramax, the company that owns the rights to it, is a subsidiary of Disney.


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