First post?

Dec 27, 2009 14:25

Okay, so I know this has probably been done lots of times before, but I need to get it off my chest.

Tl;dr: Arg my characterization what have you done with it. )

riku, sora, kairi, sora/riku/kairi

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Comments 34

yellow_kettle December 27 2009, 20:31:13 UTC
Tbh, I'm not sure I get what this rant is about and while it's probably about characterization that is SO OFF it's UNBELIEVABLE, a lot of what you said is your personal interpretation of the characters. So looking at your rant, it could be seen as 'WHIIIIIIINE WHY DON'T THEY WRITE RIKU/SORA/KAIRI THE WAY I WANT'. Which is kind of silly.

I don't wanna be rude or anything, just saying how it comes off to me. >_>


kaos_sparrow December 27 2009, 20:46:21 UTC
Oh, okay, sorry. Thanks for telling me! I'll fix that.


tigrin December 27 2009, 21:00:29 UTC
This. It's true that there are certain things about the characters that determine that feeling of them being "in-character". But how you see the details of the characters is a personal, unique thing that changes from person to person. No matter how hard you try to follow canon, it will always be YOUR interpretation of a character. As long as the feeling of the character is retained, I personally don't mind changes in the details of the characters, especially if the environment around them or circumstances of the plot have been altered.


trilies December 28 2009, 00:06:22 UTC
I have really nothing to say to this except to address the last part. I know she's not really any of the Trio, but I have Fuu's parents all thought out for the KHverse? 8D; Just wanted to mention that for... no specific reason. |D;


kaos_sparrow December 28 2009, 00:42:50 UTC
You wanted to mention it because Fuu is awesome. ;)


trilies December 28 2009, 04:43:43 UTC
Of course. XD
I RP her, I should know.
So awesome when she gets stabbed in the stomach by one of Xaldin's spears, her wind resistance kicks in and she just tugs it right back out.
What? I said nothing.


malarkiness December 28 2009, 02:37:09 UTC
Also, random. The parents? Do not get nearly enough love. Their kids were *gone*. In Sora and Riku's cases, for two years.

I read a fic once that had Sora's mom in it, set sometime whenever Sora was off having adventures. She was thinking about how she sent him off to get milk, like, a year ago and he still hadn't come back. xD
I wish I could remember the title. It was pretty funny.



burger December 28 2009, 19:25:04 UTC
That's kind of adorable actually xD


malarkiness December 28 2009, 20:09:22 UTC
Well, sort of. I think she was actually kind of pissed off. At some point she says "He'd better come back and he'd better have that f*cking milk." xD


higenshi December 28 2009, 02:55:20 UTC
I agree on the Kairi characterization. She's the most often screwed up, and I often see her played as the whiny damsel in distress ( ... )


matthias_wave December 28 2009, 03:43:28 UTC
Oh, yes. It's not hard to imagine that once he gets the chance to think about it, he's going to have serious trouble with the idea that maybe, just maybe, what he's been told* is wrong or at least the wrong way of looking at things and the empty vessels he's had to destroy, even to protect his friends, were people. Offhand, the only others who have actually died as a direct result of his actions have been Clayton, Oogie Boogie, Shan Yu, and Malificent - and out of those, two were Heartless or very nearly so when he killed them and the other two came back (Plz correct me if I'm wrong - did they ever actually kill Ursula?).

*by sources who were seriously biased, at least halfway insane, or got their information from said biased/crazy sources (I'm thinking Yen Sid, Xemnas, and Mickey and the Organization respectively) - sorry, my pet theories seem to be getting drawn into this


higenshi December 28 2009, 03:56:34 UTC
Ursula seemed to have managed to kill herself.

But exactly! One day, it will hit him that he was lead on, that these were people trying to survive the only way they knew how, and that he killed them.

And Mickey told Yen Sid. And Mickey was likely told by DiZ, who, let's face it, is the most biased of all against Nobodies. I'd go so far as to call him racist against Nobodies ( ... )


matthias_wave December 28 2009, 04:07:50 UTC
Well, he is effectively all of fourteen, but yes. He is not going to like it when he discovers that the people telling him these things weren't all that reliable - and that it's led to him destroying people whose only crime was someone else entirely giving in to the darkness (I tend to picture a lot of Nobodies as being different people than their originals, if only because Roxas and Namine certainly were).

Of course, part of the problem is that while I can see quite a few of the remaining Organization members actually listening (especially Luxord), Xemnas was still power-mad and Saïx was still going to follow Xemnas as far as he could. My pet AU is essentially that one day somebody realizes that the Organization isn't really about getting them hearts anymore, if it ever was, but about Xemnas getting power. I'm personally fond of it being Demyx, but that's just me being a Demyx fanboy - probably it'd be Luxord or Axel.

Actually, I was pretty sure Clayton was more or less officially a Heartless by the time we fought him... Tarzan ( ... )


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