In general, your PWP fic should not sound like it was generated from here: A lot of slash fiction is interchangable. There's no personality in there. You should make your PWPs distinguishable. How Larxene has sex is going to be different from, say,
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Comments 18
I try to put more meaning into when characters go at it, as for some I can't imagine random screwing being on their agenda, but I get what you mean. In the past when I've written things I try and distinguish between one and another, how they approach that activity would be as individual as their approach to anything. For example, Axel won't go about something the way Riku would, or Roxas.
Part of what I don't like about fanfiction that circulates around smut or porn is that more often than not the characters are pretty much robbed of their personalities, or are tweaked so extremely that they're not even recognizable. For example, whiny turbo!uke Roxas. Since when is someone who could wipe the floor with most anyone suddenly a mewling, submissive girl?
Good, poetic sex is hard to find, and I think it's mostly because people don't take the time to think about the dynamics of how a character might be interested in the act.
This, however, goes back to the term "PWP"--Porn Without Plot. The label is an excuse to disregard emotional stigma status, personality, and scenery. Likely why I rarely read 'PWP's. They're simply for getting off and not the true beauty of how a character thinksactsdoesfeelshurts during sex.
Icon is so inappropriate. And being used anyway. *Thumbs up.*
You're right... I sorta wish that umbrella excuse didn't exist because really, it seems dumb to me. As long as it's got that label it can just be random, gratuitous use of characters. They're like those inflatable dolls.
XD Inappropriate icon for the win~
Agreed. Sadly, people abuse these tendencies in both PWPs and AUs, which makes me hesitant to warn against such things when I write them [even though I really should...].
"Momma! There's a vibrator in the castle! :D" XDDDD
HELL YEAH. if anyone's familiar with final fantasy X, i read this amazingly hot lulu/auron (sort of)PWP which involved lulu using her black magic on auron to increase his pleasure. HURRAH FOR CREATIVITY!
that would be hot
But if it's labelled 'PWP', there's really not an argument here imho.
Playing off of the individuality of the characters can really show off the strengths of a story, no matter what it is-- I've been told many, many times that a ~1000 word smut fic where the (extremely inexperienced) POV character orgasmed from a little bit of heavy petting then fell asleep was INCREDIBLY HOT, despite it being... IC and a bit silly because of who the characters were and logically thought through.
"PWP" isn't an excuse for "OOC tripe" any more than "AU" is.
To where as, transversely, AUs are written to be taken out of the social norm in a creative, unique way. It's not something so basic as sexual gratification.
This is just my opinion, see.
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