D: what?!

Apr 07, 2008 12:05

First rant... Don't hurt me!

Three rants for today. :3

Rant number one concerns the general Japanese use in the KH fandom. I flinch whenever I hear the word 'yaoi' being mentioned. Why is that you ask? Being a transfer from an anime fandom, my brain automatically goes: "Heey, look, yaoi. That means buttsmex." It amazes me that no one uses shonen-ai ( Read more... )

titles, yaoi, pairings

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Comments 10

misskalloway April 7 2008, 05:02:39 UTC
It amazes me that no one uses shonen-ai.

As a term, 'shounen-ai' has somewhat fallen in disfavor because apparently in Japan, it has gained more of a pedophilic connotation (which is why you'll see a lot of magazines say 'BL' or 'Boy's Love' though of course that has the pedophilic connotation in English).


kosmic_kinsei April 7 2008, 08:20:11 UTC
I usually go by the term 'slash', even though that (I think) has a sexual connotation to it, but at the same time I don't really say "yaoi", nor warn about it. If it says "Male's namexMale's name", and is categorized under "Romance", it pretty much speaks for itself.


kusari_xx April 8 2008, 05:56:25 UTC
Slash works fine for me. :3 It's just, the word yaoi puts me in a very uncomfortable situation. Bad experience with anime, that's all I can tell you.

hey, i think i know you from ff. i think you reviewed me once.


kosmic_kinsei April 9 2008, 00:35:03 UTC
I checked out your journal, and I think I did.


kusari_xx April 9 2008, 01:41:17 UTC
i fount it! it was a really old rominé on my old account. you said it reminded you of ramen. [it does remind me of ramen.]


arson_attrition April 8 2008, 18:48:41 UTC
Japanese is going to show up in every fandom in every genre in every country [well ... maybe]. We cannot escape it.

Titling my fics is one of my favorite parts of the writing process. <3 And why would you ... not capitalize them?

Seriously, I hate chatroom fics, or even fics that involve a non-cannon computer. They get taken wayyy too far.

I don't really know which term I favor. Most likely "yaoi" because of the cute little "yamete! oshiri ga ittai!" pet-name. XD I don't ever actually label my fics with SA or BL or Yaoi, though. Usually just write, "AxB. Mature." and it's kind of a 'duh'.

Haha! Good ol' AkuRoku-in-the-box. People need to be SRSLY WARY of music boxes. <3


kusari_xx April 9 2008, 00:05:27 UTC
Not in Hong Kong. Japanese wasn't very big in Hong Kong when I lived there. You can just imagine the shock I got when I arrived to the US. "Wait, you all speak Japanese?"

I think that lowercase looks prettier, somehow, someway. xD I used to do MiX MATcH case or whatever it's called, but now it just looks silly as a title.

"Yamete! oshiri ga ittai"? -googles-


arson_attrition April 9 2008, 14:14:55 UTC
... XD Yeah, that would be a bit of a shock. I only know my Japanese from taking a high school course.

I'm a grammar nazi stickler, so I usually only capitalize. theonlytimeidon'tiswheni'mspazzinglikethisorsomething.

Essentially a joke of the uke crying out, "Stoppit! My Butt Hurts!" that fits in with the acronym of YA-O-I (yama nashi, oshi nashi, imi nashi [no peak, no point, no meaning]).


digital_pepsi April 9 2008, 13:52:34 UTC
Sadly, Japanese shows up even when there's not any Japanese to talk like that. *hits fanbrat authors upside the head* Some days I'd really like to take a melon baller to some brains.

...Oh, dear God. "Yamete! Oshiri ga itai!" So that's where it came from...


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