
Mar 31, 2008 15:47

Dear Zexion/Kairi writers,

Many people know that this is one of my absolute favorite crack pairings. To that end, it is nice to see fans of it. However, simply because the pairing is crack doesn't mean it should be butchered and contorted to something that it is not ( Read more... )

zexion, pairings, riku, sora, akuroku, ooc, roxas, kairi, axel, whatthefuckery

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Comments 24

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dorked April 1 2008, 00:29:54 UTC
Oh, I agree. I mean, some people seem to think as crack as "rofl lets be ooc ftlulz", but I think that even if a pairing is obscure, it should at least be handled in a way that's at least somewhat plausible. It's just not near as appealing if it's in-character, and, to me, crack pairings can be great because of unusual interactions.

...yes. This one author did call him Zexio. They also made him a vampire and had him instantaneously fall for Kairi and suck her blood... or something like that. I didn't spend much time on that one because it just was a pain to read.

See, that's what I don't get. People seem to think that anal intercourse is "healing", yet... technically speaking, it's not natural. No, this doesn't mean I'm one of those people who hates the idea of homosexuality. More so, I'd think that "buttsecks" would be painful, if anything. At least, if not 'done right'. Furthermore, I do like plot over smut. It's why, generally, I write genfic as opposed to romance!fic.


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dorked April 1 2008, 01:14:09 UTC
Yeah, tell me about it. It's what squicks me about a lot of humor fics, too. OOC does not really make humor, nor does it justify pairings.

Hehe, well, I read through it for amusement, but it was pretty dang bad. Then there's this one Zex/Kairi fic that made an attempt to be epic, but it was filled with all kinds of wth moments, like Sora being 'dead', no mention of Donald, Goofy, and Mickey, and Zexion as a...smoker with an attitude problem.

That's true. Honestly, I don't understand what makes yaoi any better than het or het any better than yaoi. It's the interactions that are most important, thus gender, to me, is irrelevant. XD It's why I generally try to keep an open mind, even if I don't particularly like a certain ship. Still, I wish that, if people wanted to really write smut, they would take the physicality into consideration.


anthraxpretzels April 1 2008, 00:37:32 UTC
As someone who likes to write Zexion and Kairi, though not really as a couple, I wholeheartedly agree. Even with their canon characterizations, a good story can be written. Talkative and manipulative nerdscientist and Good-hearted but can kickass girl? I can see a great amount of dynamics that cam be played with right there.

Yeah, I never really figured out how romance became, well, a priority. Not that Sora is immune to hormones, but he's probably got a lot more things on his mind than highlighted in fics.


anthraxpretzels April 1 2008, 00:37:58 UTC
*can, not 'cam'


dorked April 1 2008, 00:45:28 UTC
Exactly! That's what I like about that particular ship, even when written as not really a pairing. It's the potential dynamics that are fun to think about, not the 'omgkawaiidesu' that some people seem to associate with shipping. That, and I like to toy with the fact that they technically both originated from Radiant Garden, but that's neither here nor there. XD

Totally! Besides, friendship is what KH is about, more than anything else. I don't mind romance at all, but when it's prioritized to such a high degree? That's a bit extreme.


anthraxpretzels April 1 2008, 01:02:53 UTC
Always good to find another Zexion fan that thinks he deserves better than 'emo'. And Kairi deserves better than 'bitch', 'emo', 'rabid yaoi fangirl', etc. The fact that Kairi remembers nothing about Radiant Garden is probably going to come into play with that idea, right? XP

Friendship and adventure=OTP forever and ever and ever. I am a registered fluff addict, but would absolutely love epic!adventure fic~


arizona_jones April 1 2008, 01:40:20 UTC
On the rant: GOD YES. DX I really don't like how every fic nowadays has to have a romance in it. It's rather annoying, to be honest. I like romance just like anyone else, but I'd rather have an awesome plot than "TRULUVZOMGZ" when it came right down to it.

Also, friendfic is AMAZING. :D


anthraxpretzels April 1 2008, 01:48:35 UTC
I'd personally love a Princess-bride-esque KH, though. That 'troooluv' can stay XD


yui_hime April 1 2008, 02:00:34 UTC


keepdreamingxx April 1 2008, 01:59:46 UTC
Mmm, Zexion/Kairi. :D ♥ I really need to write that someday.

But yes. I HATE it when people butcher my crack!OTPs. D: Like Axel/Zexion? Wtf people, wtf. Axel and Zexion will never be IN MUSHY GUSHY LUV OKAY. And then have some crappy badly-written sex.

..sorry. Just had to get that out. xD;

And, Zexio sounds like a robot or laundry detergent.

( And I attempted to write a Soriku drabble that was mainly friendship in KH1 in my Soriku collection, but... mreh idk. D: )


dorked April 1 2008, 02:54:57 UTC
Hehe, as do I. It's just that it's rather difficult to write for correctly, thus the brainstorming is pwning me. u_u

Oh, I know what you mean. Axel/Zexion never struck me as a romance either. I'm all for hate!shipping, but turn that kind of thing into romance, and it's a bit...odd. Same goes for things like Larxene/Axel and Marluxia/Namine.

...Zexio sounds almost like some kind of pasta. I have no idea why.

(Hehe, well I can see how it'd be difficult. I think that, above all else, being IC is what matters. XD I'm not against fluff, but it's just all the badly written stuff that squicks me.)


dorkage April 1 2008, 02:57:31 UTC
mm, I'm a sap, so I enjoy sappy drippy fluff. 8D

Riku/Sora isn't my absolute favorite pairing either, but I think it's just that much better if it's a mixture of best friend bantering and awkwardness.


dorked April 1 2008, 03:38:08 UTC
I do like fluff every now and then. XD It's just when characters that normally wouldn't fluff off the bat are incorporated in it that it bugs me. Awkwardness is fun, too.


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