(no subject)

Mar 31, 2008 15:47

Dear Zexion/Kairi writers,

Many people know that this is one of my absolute favorite crack pairings. To that end, it is nice to see fans of it. However, simply because the pairing is crack doesn't mean it should be butchered and contorted to something that it is not.

Looking at a majority of the fics for it on FF.net (there aren't many), I've noticed quite a few things. For one, many seem to be typical highschool-ish romance fics with unoriginal concepts and blatant OOC. For one, Kairi is not one to swear frequently, and, furthermore, Zexion is not, has never been, and will never be emo, nor will he ever be a cuddly ball of fluff...or a vampire And his name is Zexion, not "Zexio". Also, I really can't see Zexion as the type to use slang, since he always struck me as a sophisticated type.

While I realize that AUs give a lot of freedom, that doesn't mean characterization should be ignored because you "need" it to be altered. Characters should at least be recognizable in their speech patterns and their general personalities.



With that out of the way, I seriously don't understand a lot of underage!preg fic sometimes, nor do I even care for it, really. I mean, it is a real-life issue that can be very stressful, but I've seen a lot of it done in a way that was, uh... lame. As if it had been done for "omg twu lob" and treated incredibly lightly. Furthermore, I don't really think Sora would be all "C'mon gaiz, lets have sum secks!" at age fifteen, nor would he be particularly skilled in it. It's sad, but this one fic I read for the lulz had him and Kairi get...intimate at age 14, and then he proposed to her. It was a serious atrocity, let me assure you.

EDIT: Also, while I'm at it, why is it that a majority of Riku/Sora fic must be full of smut and unneeded fluff? I'm not against the pairing, but it sure would be nice if it were written with the dynamics of their actual friendship more often. The same can be said with Axel/Roxas, actually.

zexion, pairings, riku, sora, akuroku, ooc, roxas, kairi, axel, whatthefuckery

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