On changing points of view

Dec 15, 2007 20:26

I love fics and novels with different points of view (I think most of them fall under the post modernist category, right?). I could seriously go on for days and days about My Sister's Keeper and how much I love it and omgaaaaaw ♥

But writing in the post modernist style is really hard to do. When I see a fic that switches from one point of view to ( Read more... )

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Comments 20

lazzchan December 16 2007, 05:41:07 UTC
We get a little bit here and there, but as long as people stick to the bits they're shown, then where they go from there is good. Where on earth they get crack-sugar-high Sora is beyond me, when he has SO MUCH development, but others like Luxord or Zexion and the other Nobodies have a basic personality? Demyx acts silly, perhaps, but when he threatens Sora and explains the Absent Silhouettes lol he's very serious.

I hope there will be more development for these characters. They deserve it.


dorkage December 16 2007, 15:56:40 UTC
I think a lot of the crack-sugar-high Sora (Or anybody for that matter) comes from the general uke stereotype which I could then blame on Shuuichi or Ryu of Gravitation. It makes me feel better to have another character to blame it on, leave me alone. xD

It makes me cringe, because it's not what Sora is at all, but I guess I could see where a lot of authors are getting it from. x_x It's also making me ponder how an IC Sora would react to drinking a Red Bull.

I would love more development for the Org. I got the impression that a lot of them were just filler villains to give the player more boss fights.


lostscore December 16 2007, 06:47:56 UTC

I try to expand on aspects of what the people are, and help build that in. For example, my Demyx is a bard. The idea of people who write music have certain workable qualities to help build a personality into a character who gets little screentime. Hence mine is a master storyteller. So he's a good liar, clever at coming up with stuff that gets him out of doing missions/anything he doesn't want to do...and doesn't do anything well he doesn't take an interest in. He'd actually be quite competent at a mission if it sparked his interest.

One of the problems I have with the cutsey happy dim!Demyx portrayal is really mostly that it comes from Sora/Donald/Goofy. They taunt him, and he pulls a personality 180 after that because the first routine didn't work on them, so he has to put some srsbusiness behind it.


anthraxpretzels December 17 2007, 04:17:53 UTC
Bard!Demyx sounds really interesting. He does tend to have a way with words in his one big scene in KH2, doesn't he? :o

I had a plunny with Port-Royal smuggler!Demyx with water-based powers to begin with. Getting black market stuff across the seas would be easy if you could sink other guys' ships XD


demishock December 16 2007, 10:36:18 UTC
I have no business answering this question, seeing as how I still haven't contributed to this fandom at all *lazy ass*, but in my experience with underdeveloped characters, I tend to study the scenes. How do they talk? What kind of body-language do they use? Things like that, I try to piece together to form a backbone character, and then I try to think of other characters in other mediums that have exhibited similar characteristics, and seeing what's similar or different. Stuff like that.

A lot of it depends on what kind of background you picture them coming from, too. Particularly for the Organization, I try to keep the mindset that a good handful of them, if not all of them, were scientists in the beginning.


id_anonymous December 16 2007, 18:10:56 UTC
My ex-boyfriend did this shifting perspective thing in his writing. Opinions sometimes changed, but voice... not particularly. Which made it painful to read.


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