On changing points of view

Dec 15, 2007 20:26

I love fics and novels with different points of view (I think most of them fall under the post modernist category, right?). I could seriously go on for days and days about My Sister's Keeper and how much I love it and omgaaaaaw ♥

But writing in the post modernist style is really hard to do. When I see a fic that switches from one point of view to the next without the voice changing, I get confused. People act and think differently; people even sound different when they write. Changing text to bold or italics, or even changing the font altogether gives me the impression that we've switched to a different point of view, but that doesn't really change the voice.

And that's what switching perspectives is all about, right? It's several different voices telling the same story. Different people see different things and have differnet ideas and different opinions. That's what makes it interesting! I get frustrated when I see multiple perspectives abused because the author didn't put enough time and/or effort into giving each character a distinctive voice.

I also get frustrated when one character knows everything about everyone. It's a common mistake that's fixed with practice, though. :|

While I'm here, I have a question:

Unfortunately, KH2 has a large amount of characters that got so little screentime and so little development, they had no choice but to absorb characterizations the fandom gave them. Hopefully a lot of this is going to change with that DS game somethin somethin divided by two days. xD

We have a lot of wiggle room for quite a few characters! :D My question is this: How do you, in your writing, characterize of a few of the characters that got hardly any screentime or development? (e.g. Luxord, Xaldin, Demyx, even Xemnas to an extent)

concrit, request

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