Say what?

Dec 16, 2007 14:22

So awhile ago, I drew a comic with Terra, Aqua and Ven poking friendly fun at KH fanarts. In it, it's insinuated that no one will like Terra/Aqua 'cause it mirrors how no one seems to like Riku/Kairi*.

And then I get this exchange today:

Person: Nobody's going to like Terra/Aqua. I detest it already. :|
Me: May I ask why? XD
Person: I dunno. Terra's hot. I guess that's why. :D

So THANK YOU once again, Kingdom Hearts fans, for making absolutely no damn sense whatsoever! It keeps dA full of whatthefuckery interesting!

* And yes, I am aware there are RiKai fans out there; most of them very cool dudes. But sadly, there is very little art of it, especially on dA.

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