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Comments 148

nabradia October 26 2007, 17:49:16 UTC
FF9- Kuja; badly socialized and slated to die after being replaced by his younger 'brother'- died of tree after getting his ass beaten by the protagonists.

Died of tree. LAWL. <3

Cause of death; TREE. Love it.


syvia October 26 2007, 22:23:08 UTC
((XD Thanks!))


cygna_hime October 26 2007, 18:29:35 UTC
Poor Riku. *offers cookies*

...Uh, I hope you have a recent will. Just, you know, in case. Or possibly a living will of the 'If I have been possessed for XXX days/done the following things, kill me for my own sake' variety.

Just a thought.

P.S. How do you feel about Narnia crossovers?


syvia October 26 2007, 22:25:39 UTC
*will most likely lose most of them to Sora- not a big deal, smiles* Thanks.

Heh. Wouldn't work even if I did. Between Sora, Kairi, King Mickey, and whoever else they'd pull into the fight, they'd either save me or die trying. *doesn't look too thrilled about the prospect*

... Are they well-written?


daisy_the_mage1 October 26 2007, 18:31:40 UTC
But Disney is sooo stooopid and for babies. Look, it's got Mickey Mouse in it and he sucks! And it's got Winnie the Pooh - ewww.....and it's not fair cos Disney never allowed Riku and Sora to get to bed 2gether. they shuld die + then Square makes the game on their own + then i get u + sora smex.

This rant is full of win! Actually, I think KH got me back to liking Disney again. I bought Cinderella the other day!


syvia October 26 2007, 22:27:22 UTC
*looks amused, shakes his head and rolls his eyes*

((XD That's part of why they do it! Still- there is absolutely no reason we can't enjoy the results of all Disney's moolah. The movies and re-releases are part of that.))


daisy_the_mage1 October 26 2007, 23:06:01 UTC
B-But....think of the number of girls who would be happy! But Disney ruined it! Stoopid, homophobic, sexist ppl...

((Agreed. No reason whatsoever * is really looking forward to the Frog Princess film and Rapunzel when they come out *))


voodoobob October 26 2007, 18:43:08 UTC
Now, see, this is JUST what I've been saying. You're like the very best example of how Squenix benefits from collaborating with Disney. His Majesty is absolutely awesome anyway and I envy you such a great mentor.

(Also, don't forget Yunalesca from 10, and the triplets from AC. All silver-haired pretties; all dead of protagonist by the end of the game/movie.)

(... also, I'm very sorry for the fic I'm trying to write now and the one in planning.)

(I'm not sorry for the icon, though.)


princealia October 26 2007, 19:12:43 UTC
You can never be sorry for that icon XD


syvia October 26 2007, 22:32:34 UTC
*slightly more humble version of his old 'I AM the best' grin* That's right! They got to pull Mickey into the games, they got a sub-plot, they got more angst- all by letting me live through the first game. How many fans do you think they pulled in just by having Disney on the label?

(Good point. Some of the games had two or more villians who ended up the same way. Yes. For Squeenix, silver hair + green eyes = evil. I'm lucky as hell.)

(*stunned* ... Most people don't apologize. Uh... thanks?)

(Heh. I've seen worse.)


voodoobob October 27 2007, 04:57:00 UTC
Reverse/Rebirth was like the best thing ever for your character, too. Mickey really brought out the best in you! And for evil awful mentors, well, you can't get much cooler than Maleficent, though you probably don't like to think about that.

(Really, the death toll is staggering. AND you have all that Lucifer/Judas/serpent/generic fallen angel symbolism going from the first game! You're damn lucky.)

(I'm so thoroughly awful to you in them it only seemed right.)



snowangel777_16 October 26 2007, 19:45:02 UTC
Who knows... even if you were to die, you might come back to life! Both Sephiroth and Luneth from FF3 came back to life after being killed :D But Luneth came back for real, because he was a Hero of Light and Sephiroth wasn't. Heroes of Light can't die and even if they do die, they come back, it's must be in the job description :O


whitepawn_alice October 26 2007, 22:38:10 UTC
*stares at the "Luneth dying" thing, opens her mouth, closes it, then walks off looking for brain bleach*

Though I fail at III, so s'not like I've ever gotten very far in it...


fox_the_kitsune October 27 2007, 06:26:21 UTC
Speaking of FF3, has anyone besides me noticed that the final boss has an emblem on its forehead that looks like the Heartless emblem? Of course, this is in the DS remake. I don't know about the original.

It's been a while since I played. Where was it that Luneth died?


snowangel777_16 October 27 2007, 10:55:37 UTC
When you first fight the Cloud of Darkness :D


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