A Message from Riku or The Squeenix Villain that Lived

Oct 26, 2007 12:26

Hey guys. Look- I'll get right to the point.

You don't like the Disney stuff in our games.

Okay. I don't know why and I don't care why. I don't even care if you dislike it and keep your peace- that's great, thanks for that. But you who openly complain about everything Disney-based and say Kingdom Hearts would be better off without any of it are...

Let me put it this way; you're doing the equivalent of my Uncle Hiko's fuckup during our last family reunion. He didn't realize I was standing behind him (and had hearing that good) when he looked at my parents and said mom would have been better off if she hadn't married my dad.

No sympathy, please- he's an asshole and he's one of a very small number in my family. They didn't think dad was good enough for mom when they met, but most of them have come around by now. My dad happens to agree with them, and always has.

I walked right up to him and said, very calmly, "Wow. You wanna spit in my face next time?"

I ask you the same thing. Why don't you just spit in my face? Actions speak louder than words, you know?

Don't get it?

Okay, I'll be blunt. If it weren't for the Disney 'stuff', I'd be dead.

Still confused? I'll explain.

Consider the first game. Sora's the hero, Kairi's the damsel in distress and in true Square/Enix style, I'm the misunderstood villain with Ansem... Xehanort- sorry- acting as the 'behind the scenes' evil.

If you've played the Final Fantasy games- any of them, you know what that means. Since I came out and said it before, and you didn't get it, I'll back up the point with a few examples;

FF4- Golbez; possessed by Zemus- wound up in exile and eternal sleep with his father's people.
FF6- Kefka; crazy and badly socialized- killed by the protagonists.
FF7- Sephiroth; crazy/semi-possessed/badly socialized- killed by the protagonists... got to come back as a clone in the movie sequel and got killed a second time.
FF8- Ultimecia; possessed by an alien entity- killed by the protagonists.
FF9- Kuja; badly socialized and slated to die after being replaced by his younger 'brother'- died of tree after getting his ass beaten by the protagonists.
FF10- Seymour; badly socialized- killed by the protagonists.
Kingdom Hearts 1- Me; possessed by Ansem-

But, oh look- I didn't die.

If I'd wandered around in Darkness any longer, I could've died- it was damn close. Someone saved me. I think you know who it was.

Maybe you're thinking I could have been different- I could have gotten back my body through sheer force of will and, through determination, survived.

Um... yeah, I was fifteen, still kinda stupid and a little full of myself, and I had other people taking care of me through most of the game. Besides- look at the Square/Enix MO again.

What color is my hair?
What color are my eyes?

Does that bode well for me? Hell. No.

Now maybe you get that point, but still wanna argue that the best aspects of Kingdom Hearts come from the Square/Enix side and you'd rather not have the cutesy Disney stuff distracting you from the sex?

I'd like to point something out to you.

Disney's motto: If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.

Square/Enix's motto: If at first you don't succeed, make the graphics better, the clothing smaller, and hope no one notices that the plot still sucks.

If Disney weren't involved, you'd have another Final Fantasy, and you would not have me.

Square/Enix loves their drama- they eat it up and lick the fucking platter. If it had been left up to them- I'd be dead and they'd sit back and enjoy Sora's left-over angst. 'Oh, look at the tragic loss of life- look how people can never learn from their mistakes! Look how they just die and that's it!'

That would have been me, thanks. I like my life, so I'm very happy we're a co-created series.

Look, I'll make it simple for you. Did you like the Reverse/Rebirth side of Chain of Memories? Did you like the Replica? Do you like post-KH1 fics about me having a relationship sex with... anyone in the game? Yeah- I've seen some of those parings. I'm still traumatized. Do you like my contribution to KH2? Did you like the reunion scene at the end? Are you at all happy I'm alive after the first game?

Then you should extend the Disney side some respect.

Or come and spit in my face yourselves.

((My god- we've over 100. My inbox hates me~. I love you guys. ^^))

riku, disney-bashing

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