Dear Akudemy fandom

Oct 24, 2007 23:48

Why does all of your fic suck? Moreover, why can't I find any fic for that ship where Axel and Demyx are IC? How come you always write Demyx as a newbie uke, or Axel as the woobie "omg must protect!" comforting seme? Or... how come every single damn "Akudemmy" fic takes place right after Demyx joins the Organization? Or better yet, how come Demyx is basically Roxas with the Ukemeter turned up to BLAZING and a little bit of stupid thrown in?

Perhaps I should clarify.

1. Axel is a bastard with questionable alliances and selfish motives that happens to occasionally do the right thing - generally for the wrong reason.

2. Demyx is a friendly guy, sure. But he can and WILL mow your ass down if you cross him. He ain't dumb, either. Any guy that can STEAL SOMETHING FROM THE UNDERWORLD WITHOUT HADES KNOWING has to be pretty damn smart and good at what he does.

3. If you put the two of them together, they do not automatically become simpering girls that have FEELINGS and NEED each other. Nobodies don't have hearts, remember?

4. Calling Axel/Demyx slash "steamy" is really, really over done. Can't you think of another way to describe the opposites-attract appeal of it?

5. Roxas exists, guys. You don't have to write Akuroku, but that doesn't mean you get to totally ignore that Roxas means a whole hell of a lot to Axel. In fact, it would do well by ANY Organization Shipper that Axel said the following

"He was the only one I liked. He... he made me feel... like I had a heart"

I understand this is the basis for AkuRoku, but... guys? Its still important, and it DOES NOT have to get in the way of Axel/Demyx.

6. Demyx can be on top! YES! HE CAN! He DOES have a penis, and Axel DOES have an ass! Axel is not Super Seme, and Demyx is not the Permanent Uke! Or, even better, here's a novel idea! LET THEM TAKE TURNS! That's right, they ARE co-workers! Come on, Demyx does NOT just roll over and take it. He doesn't roll that way - if he bottoms, it's of his own decision.

7. Opposites attract, right? As stated above, Axel doesn't necessarily LIKE Demyx - or didn't at the end of KH2 at least. You can have them sniping at each other, calling each other names, etc. Not all romance is fluff and cuddles and WUVVY WUV WUV WUUUUUUV. ESPECIALLY when you are writing about two men (YES, MEN, NOT TEENAGE GIRLS) working for an organization of heartless amoral bastards.

So, Axel/Demyx fandom? Please to be not following the example of "Liquid Fire" - it IS possible to write those two in character, non-crackily, WELL, and not buttsecksing at every turn. Please?

yaoi, demyx, axel

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