I agree. WHEN in Kingdom Hearts is Demyx RANDOM? He's non-confrontational, sure and in a bit of a dorky way, sure...but he's not exactly spouting nonsequiturs either.
Also, a character like GIR is only funny because he makes ZIM look sane and practical by comparisson. Demyx's actions don't ever proove to be the lowest common denominator, except in his own musings (Sent the wrong guy), which as others have already speculated: is probably his version of manipulation.
Non-sequiturs can be funny if you know how to use them, but it seems like a lot of fanauthors are too lazy to try to pull them off right. Personally, I like a mix of different types of comedy.
Oh Demyx, why can't they write you with a sense of wit? :(
They say that if you go into the bathroom, turn of the lights, say 'Chexese' three times, and then turn around, all of your chocolate milk will be gone.
Seriously, though, I bet somebody, somewhere, has written it.
Comments 17
Also, a character like GIR is only funny because he makes ZIM look sane and practical by comparisson. Demyx's actions don't ever proove to be the lowest common denominator, except in his own musings (Sent the wrong guy), which as others have already speculated: is probably his version of manipulation.
Non-sequiturs can be funny if you know how to use them, but it seems like a lot of fanauthors are too lazy to try to pull them off right. Personally, I like a mix of different types of comedy.
Oh Demyx, why can't they write you with a sense of wit? :(
Seriously, though, I bet somebody, somewhere, has written it.
Cosmo's hilarious, he's still not Demyx or Sora. They're all different. Cosmo is a fairy, has green hair and flies. Sora and Demyx have none of those.
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