pretty as a car crash

Jan 10, 2007 20:08

dear friend,

alright, i'll admit it. i'm a sucker for nice reviews; everytime you say you like my stuff, i start to like you just a little bit more. and hey, after pm-ing back and forth for the past few months, i must say that you're a pretty cool kid.

however, this does not mean that i'll immediately love your ooc, axel!wank of a fic, even if it ( Read more... )

weeping, ooc, axel

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Comments 41

illianaka January 11 2007, 04:12:11 UTC
... he's a manipulative bastard, sure; but he's not insane!

Dear Fandom,

Axel is not a pyromaniac.



princealia January 11 2007, 04:18:04 UTC
dear us,

lol wut? did u see how he made the room aspolde into flamez?!?1 he burnz everything!!11 hez got FIRE LOLZ



illianaka January 11 2007, 04:21:08 UTC
Dear Fandom,

Unique power does not equate to obsession with said power. Please to be delegating this to everyone equally if you must--Sora deserves to maniacly beat more people with Oblivion.



princealia January 11 2007, 04:27:20 UTC
dear us,

yes huh!!!! everytime u fight axel, hez got fire! he can just use those spiky rim things to fight if he didnt wanna use fire!!1 he usez hiz fire cuz he BURNZ EVERYTHING and hez obsessed. its right there on the screen!! look again stupid~!! >:O



jurhael January 11 2007, 04:25:25 UTC
"a) riding around in a little red sports car"

You say that like it's a bad thing. :p


xsyntheticsmile January 11 2007, 04:29:35 UTC
haha, no. i wouldn't mind having one at all. (actually i prefer mini coopers, but you get the point). axel on the other hand ... well, just the imagery is disturbing enough. ^^;;


kilraaj January 11 2007, 04:39:28 UTC
Axel needs a black car. So at night he can drive around stealthily arranging the downfall of his supposed allies. Yes.

(If he wanted to be really stealthy, I suppose he could get an old beat-up car because no one notice that either, but, uh. That wouldn't work as well during the day. Unless he had two cars? XD Crap, I'm going to give Axel a full garage...)


xsyntheticsmile January 11 2007, 05:27:27 UTC
lolzz, axel needs a motorcycle so he can be cool and stealthy like ac!cloud. :DD


rainbowlasers January 11 2007, 04:58:50 UTC
I can see Axel (some sort of AU!Axel or the real one, who knows) laughing hysterically as his appartment was on fire. But not out of finding it awesome or funny but it being ironic and being slightly hysterical. Then he would calm down and go "So, who gets to die tonight." All. Calmly and happily.


*mumbles* Okay so it's mainly that the mental image is funny. Also Axel is clearly not ALL right in the head but that's because he's a Nobody.

... Also Axel being hysterical makes me laugh. :(


xsyntheticsmile January 11 2007, 05:35:38 UTC

i dunno; i don't think i remember axel ever just laughing in CoM or KH2, let alone laughing hysterically.

meh, i guess he could, but in the context of the fic, it just makes my brain hurt. DD:


rasenth January 11 2007, 23:29:21 UTC

... )


fascist_ January 11 2007, 06:54:33 UTC
Axel driving is a scary thought.


princealia January 11 2007, 07:11:12 UTC
Someone help the poor soul that cuts him off in traffic and doesn't use their blinker when they pull out in front of him. Hoshit XD


lazzchan January 11 2007, 14:27:22 UTC
Cars are really... ah.... flammable, y'know? Gas tanks and all. It'd be a fun explosion to watch... Not that I'd be amused at seeing cars fly into the sky with lots of pretty flames but Axel'd just drive on his merry way after that.


keepdreamingxx January 12 2007, 02:05:22 UTC
So, why don't you express your discontentment to her personally in one of those friendly PMs instead of turning around and broadcasting it to everyone else?

And if you already have, then kudos to you.


xsyntheticsmile January 12 2007, 02:32:47 UTC
*visits your profile*

oh, constance. that explains it. i was beginning to wonder why some random member of the comm would leave a comment like that. .__.

anyway, yes, i have. twice, in fact. but she hasn't replied yet, so i think i might try a third time, or perhaps even email her just in case the alerts are down again. =/


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