"Community Meeting Song" - A Kingdom Hearts Fandom Musical brought to you by Oblivilynn

Oct 20, 2006 16:46

Listen, everyone!

There were objects so peculiar,
They were not to be believed!
All around, things to tantalize my brain!

It's a world unlike anything I've ever seen!
And as hard as I try,
I can't seem to describe,
Like a most improbable dream.

But you must believe when I tell you this!
It's as real as my skull, and it does exist!

Here, let me show you...

This is a thing called a fanon stereotype.
The whole thing starts with a fan-based interpretation of a character.

"An interpretation?
Is it real?

Are there knocks?

Is it filled with assumption?

How delightful, assumption."

If you please!

Just an interpretation with logicless theories,
And the whole thing's topped with bad prose!

"Bad prose?
But why?
How boring!
Why is that?
Why is that?"

That's the point of the thing, not to know!

"It's a fad!
Will it end?

It's not rad!
Will it mend?

Perhaps it's just you that cannot comprehend!"

Listen now, you don't understand!
That's not the point of Fanfic Fuckyland!

Now, pay attention...
Now we pick up a bad writer's head,
And we hang it like this on the wall!

"Oh, yes! Does it still have a brain?

Let me see! It's so plain!

Is it rotted and covered with stains?"

Hmm, let me explain.
There's no brain inside, but there's brandy!
Or sometimes it's filled with dull ploys!

"Dull ploys?
Are they trite?

Are they sap?

Or cause sane minds to crack?

Or perhaps they just write them
To scare girls and boys!

What a splendid idea!
These stereotypes sound fun!
Why, I full endorse them!
Let's try them at once!"

Everyone, please now, not so fast!
There's something here that you don't quite grasp.
...Well, I may as well give them what they want...

And the best, I must confess, I have saved for the last!
For the ruler of this Fuckyland,
Is a fearsome fanbrat with a strong fandom influence,
Least that's what I've come to understand.

And I've also heard it told,
That she's something to behold!
Like a mobster, filled with dread!
And sets out to slay with her cosplay on,
Carting character plushies with her weak, puny arms!
That is, so I've heard it said.

And on a dark, cold night,
Under full moonlight,
She writes her bad!fic
To make sane fans cry!
And they call her Kawaii Desu No Neko-Chan Pawwwwwwws!

Well, at least they're excited,
But they don't understand
That frightful kind of feeling in Fanfic Fuckyland.
Oh, well...

The above musical was not meant to offend anyone. If you were offended, that's a shame.

Lyrics © The Nightmare Before Christmas and Danny Elfman; "Town Meeting Song"
"Fanfic Fuckyland" © ryuuzoku_aya from her Anna in Kingdomland spork
Concept © oblivilynn

(Please click the cut above if you want to read the corresponding musical, which provides the basis for the rant. If you'd rather skip ahead, please continue to the text below.)

All right. We all know how dreadful stereotypes in this fandom can be. Whether it's a high school AU fic or if it's just someone characterizing Demyx as a spineless moron, they're everywhere. And they're annoying as hell.

Luckily, I find them very efficent when it comes to comedy and have decided to include them as a plot device in my upcoming Mary-Sue parody, Tea for Two.

Here's where you come in.

As this parody revolves around the Organization, I'd like you all to list your top most-hated stereotypes for each character. The most popular one for each character will be included in the story. (Axel, however, has already been cast as woobie-lovesick!Axel for plot purposes. The rest are up for grabs.)

Thanks in advance! :D I seriously wouldn't be able to do this without you guys.

~ Nina Lynn

( And have a merry Halloween! ;D )

songfic, parodies

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