
Aug 26, 2006 19:37

OK, a wee little fanart gripe here, involving height in romance-y (or hey, maybe even non romance-y) fanart.

Now, I know it's tempting to draw Roxas pinned to the wall by tall, sexy-liscious Axel, their lips pursing against one anothers, hips grinding together-

Wait. Whoa, Nelly. A wee problem there:

In case you haven't noticed, Roxas is TERRIBLY short compared to Axel - at least, when both are standing up straight. Axel would have to bend his body in a way not anatomically possible - if not that, just plain painful - way to reach Roxas's lips. If Roxas tried to kiss Axel without the aid of some stilts, the closest thing he would get to is his nipple. And if he tried to grind his hips against Axel's, Axel would be left with bruises all over his mid-thighs.

Yeah. Not the SMARTEST of first-moves. He would be best off standing on a stack of books.

Those 7465643765 page Harry Potter books DO have a purpose!

And as for you KairixSora/SoraxNamine/RoxasxNamine/RoxasxKairi shippers, you're good to go. All four are ABOUT the same height.

And you SoraxRiku shippers? It's a bit of a stretch, but considering the size of Sora's feet, he could probably reach Riku's face if he stood on his tippy-toes.

Not to mention Sora's legs are a bit spread here, making him seem shorter.

EDIT: This was posted here a bazillion years ago (OK, more like two months ago) but the Organization lineup.

...Yes, Axel's waist appears to be tinier than Larxene's. And Zexion's.

romance, character sizes, fanart

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