The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Dec 27, 2010 01:50

Title: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Rating: PG
Summary: If anybody had told her that her Christmas would involve aliens, Veronica would have recommended a nice padded room and several good psychologists.
Prompt: "Christmas" for crossovers100, "strangers" for crossovers50, "big bang" for xoverland.
Disclaimer: The BBC owns "Doctor Who" and all related characters; Rob Thomas owns "Veronica Mars" and all related characters; I own nothing.
Note: Sequel to Walking in London.

Banner by sarah_jones
“So, let me get this straight,” Veronica said, doing her best to keep up with the strange man who called himself the Doctor. “You’re an alien?” He didn’t look like she expected an alien to look like, but maybe that was because she had seen a little too much Star Trek with her father when they both needed something to laugh over. Watching William Shatner never failed to bring out a few chuckles, and need she mention the whale movie?

“Yeah, I’m an alien, you can say that,” he answered, stopping at a corner and looking around before turning left and starting to run again. “Although technically I’m a Time Lord, not just any old alien.”

“And you travel in that blue box of yours,” she continued, glad that she was wearing somewhat practical shoes. The ground was slippery with partially melted snow, which made the running they were doing particularly hazardous to anybody’s health.

“The box is called a TARDIS, Time and Relative Dimension in Space, and yes, I travel in her,” he replied, pulling something out of the inside pocket of his jacket. “No, no, this isn’t right, not at all,” he muttered as he waved a stick with a glowing green light at the end of it. “The readings are all off. Which means they’re doing something with the atmosphere, but what?”

“And what’s that?” Veronica asked, pointing at what she could only imagine was some sort of tool.

“Sonic screwdriver,” he replied, looking back at her and raising the hand that held the tool. “All purpose tool that works in any situation. And by any, I mean almost all and most situations.” He started walking again, Veronica doing her best to keep up with his quick stride.

“Wow, that fills me with warm, gooey comfort,” Veronica snarked at him, looking around for any more of the killer aliens. “So, who are the guys trying to destroy this place? I didn’t get much, other than they wanted to use us for food for the wee aliens.”

“Well, their breeding grounds have been destroyed, and after hearing what the Adipose were able to accomplish here, I gather that they believed Earth would be an easy target. What they didn’t count on, however,” he added, turning back to Veronica with a slightly manic and overly confident grin, “was me.”

“I feel better about the situation already,” Veronica replied in a deadpan voice, unable to help herself.

“Do you ever stop asking questions?” the Doctor questioned, puling Veronica into a secluded street as another group of aliens passed.

“Nope. It’s part of my charm,” Veronica answered with a smirk.

“I thought so,” the Doctor muttered with what Veronica was sure was a resigned sigh. “It should be safe to go back, now,” he said, changing the subject. “I think we’ve confused them enough.”

“So, is this an annual thing? Because that’s the sense I’ve gotten from the locals,” Veronica said as they emerged from the side street and began doubling back towards the “TARDIS”. The area was deserted, and she didn’t know if she should take that as a good thing or not.

“It’s odd, isn’t it?” the Doctor commented, grabbing Veronica’s hand and running a little faster towards his blue box. “All the days of the year, in all of space and time, events happen on Christmas. And not just big things, but little things, special things for every person. It’s like the universe has decided that this day out of all days should be something worth remembering. Which is odd, considering Jesus wasn’t even born today. You knew that, right? I’m not destroying any deeply held religious beliefs, am I?”

“Not at all,” Veronica replied. If anybody had told her that her vacation in London would involve an overly-talkative stranger with a sonic screwdriver, a blue box, and aliens, she would have recommended a nice padded room and several good psychologists. Now, however... Spying the box in question, Veronica and the Doctor put on another burst of speed and sprinted towards its relative safety.

“Good, it’s not damaged,” the Doctor observed, digging a key and unlocking the door. “You can never tell with the Arlkesnskis. Come on,” he gestured to Veronica, who was hesitating just outside the door. Taking a deep breath, she stepped inside and looked around at the sleek interior. Thoughts flashed through her brain, but only one of them managed to escape her mouth.

“It’s bigger on the inside.”

“Of course it is,” the Doctor replied, a smug look on his face. “Now let’s go save the world.”

challenge: crossovers100, fandom: doctor who, challenge: crossovers50, claim: doctor who, challenge: xoverland big bang, claim: veronica mars, fandom: veronica mars

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