Title: Building a Mystery
Rating: PG
Crossover: Birds of Prey/Dark Angel
Summary: Barbara, while investigating "Eyes Only", is confronted by an even bigger mystery.
Prompts: "Silver" for
7_crossovers, "big bang" for
Disclaimer: Warner Bros owns "Birds of Prey" and related characters; James Cameron owns "Dark angel" and related characters; I own nothing.
Note: Sequel to
A Huntress in Seattle.
“I’m getting too old for this,” Barbara Gordon muttered under her breath as she wheeled herself through the crowded Seattle streets. Normally, she would have stayed in their headquarters while Helena investigated what was going on in Seattle in terms of the sudden rise in metahumans over the last few months, but something had caught her attention when she began poking around: an underground journalist by the name of “Eyes-Only”. She had rather easily hacked his servers and poked around, but before she could get anything other than what he was doing, he had detected her and shut down his system. If that wasn’t enough, about a week later, she had found him sniffing along the edges of her own network, causing her to raise her firewalls. Whoever this man was, he was very, very good. Just not as good as she was, of course.
“I don’t know why you couldn’t take me with you, O,” a voice complained in her ear. Helena was back at their temporary headquarters with Charlie, something the older woman wasn’t too thrilled about. “What if those goons that I tangled with a few nights ago show up?”
“Somehow, I doubt it,” Barbara replied, keeping an eye out for the building she was looking for. She had tracked Eyes Only’s address to this general area, but he had found her too soon to get an accurate address. That meant doing this the manual way. In the back of her mind, Barbara quietly considered and then discarded the idea of having Charlie “bounce” into the buildings and see if there was anything out of the ordinary. Even though she had agreed to train Charlie, this was too sensitive of a mission for the over-exuberant teenager.
A glint of silver caught her eye, and Barbara glanced over to see a man in a wheelchair, talking to a blonde woman who looked familiar to Barbara.
“Turn around,” she muttered under her breath, looking at the couple in question. Trying to look unobtrusive while keeping an eye on them, she moved underneath the building’s overhang and pulled out her copy of the Seattle Times and pretending to skim. She recognized the man as Logan Cale, from the same Cale family that was responsible for the Hover Drones floating in every major city. The woman, however... there was something about her that reminded Barbara of somebody she knew.
Finally, the woman turned around, and Barbara had to hide her face behind her paper in order to hide her astonishment. The woman was blonde, with a slightly less muscular build than Helena, but otherwise she was a spitting image of Barbara’s former ward.
“Helena?” Barbara muttered over the comm as the doppelganger and Cale went their separate ways. “You wouldn’t happen to have a twin sister floating around, would you?”
“Why do you ask, O?” Helena’s guarded voice told Barbara everything she needed to know. “Shit, you just saw her, didn’t you?”
“When were you going to tell me about this? Barbara asked, making her way towards the building the woman had just emerged from.
“Look, I just found out this woman existed the other night, when that brawl went down at Crash,” Helena explained, sounding slightly resigned. Barbara bit her lip, thinking several things through. The first was that Logan Cale definitely was a strong candidate for Eyes Only. He had the money, the connections, and the means to be the cyber-journalist. The second was that how had Selina and Bruce misplaced a daughter? It made no sense. Barbara may not have agreed with the former Catwoman about many of her life choices, but Selina was nothing, if not an excellent mother.
“Let me get back to base, and we can see what my searches turn up,” Barbara finally said. Helena didn’t say anything, but Barbara could swear she heard a relieved sigh on the other end of the line. “And tell Charlie to get her stuff together. I might have a mission for her when I get back.” Helena’s groan was drowned out by Charlie’s whoop of joy, and Barbara smiled slightly. Maybe she wasn’t getting too old for this, after all.