Title: A Bag of Kisses
Crossover: Veronica Mars/Bones
Rating: PG
Summary: Bones and Booth try to solve the mystery of a bag of kisses.
Disclaimer: Rob Thomas owns "Veronica Mars," Hart Hanson owns "Bones," I own my iPod.
Note: Written for
xoverland 's drabble challenge.
"Did you give me these kisses, Bones?" Booth asked over the phone, holding the bag. He had found them on his desk this morning with a note that simply said "Temperance" taped to it.
"No, I didn't" she answered. "But I have a bag of kisses here from you."
"I didn't send them, Bones."
"Well, then who did?"
Outside, at her desk, an amused Veronica Mars surreptitiously watched her partner through the windows to his office with a small smile on her face. It looked like her and Angela's plan for Valentine's Day was going exactly according to the plan.
Title: A Kiss to Remember
Crossover: Buffy/Star Wars
Rating: PG
Summary: Three memorable kisses in Buffy and Obi-Wan's relationship.
Disclaimer: Joss owns "Buffy," Lucas owns "Star Wars," I own my Converse.
Note: Written for
xoverland 's drabble challenge.
The first time Obi-Wan kissed her was in a secluded hallway, rushed and completely unexpected. Buffy barely had time to catch her breath and process what he had done before his face closed off and he hurried away.
The second time he kissed her, Buffy was more prepared, meeting him eagerly halfway. She leaned into his comforting warmth, determined never to let that moment end.
The last time Obi-Wan kissed her, there were tears flowing down her face and a sleeping baby in her arms. His thumb gently wiped away a tear before capturing her lips in a slow, lingering good-bye.
Title: A Kiss and a Thief
Crossover: Catwoman (comics)/Iron Man
Rating: PG
Summary: Selina is not impressed with Stark Industry's security system.
Disclaimer: Marvel owns "Iron Man," DC owns "Catwoman," I own my coffee mug.
Note: Written for
xoverland 's drabble challenge.
Rifling through the desk, Selina Kyle's keen hearing picked up the faint sound of feet moving along the floor. There was enough time to grab the plans she was after and stow them in her belt before the light flickered on.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" a dark-haired, disheveled looking man with a goatee demanded. Selina only smirked at him and blew him a kiss before slipping out the open window and into the night.
For all that Selina had heard about Stark Industries, its security for things like ordinary cat burgers left much to be desired.