Dear Yulegoat Letter (2011)

Nov 19, 2011 00:04

Dear Yuletide Author,

I apologise so much for being late on this. If you've already started something, please consider this my encouragement to just go with it! Real Life got ridiculously hectic, and then the DDoS attacks threw another wrench into updating this thing! But below you'll (finally) find my complete (and lengthy, sorry!) letter.

Also, if we do not already know each other, then let me take this moment to apologise for the combination of American English and British English likely contained herein. I'm American, but I write primarily in British fandoms, and converse daily with friends from the UK and other foreign-to-me locales; a good bit of BE has crept into my spelling and phrasing, if I'm not concentrating on using AE or BE exclusively!

Fandoms and Characters, at a glance:

Gattaca (1997 film): Jerome Eugene Morrow, Vincent Freeman
Dark Tower book series by Stephen King: Roland Deschain, Eddie Dean, Susannah Dean, Jake Chambers.
Demon's Lexicon book series by Sarah Rees Brennan: Nicholas "Nick" Ryves | Hnikarr, Alan Ryves, Mae Crawford, Cynthia "Sin" Davies

First and foremost, this post contains massive spoilers for all fandoms mentioned, so, due to that and the length, each of these is behind a cut! It's likely you're familiar with the canon if you've offered to write it, but just in case you know one of these sources but are curious about the others, I'll do them separately, both to spare you, dear author, as well as anyone on my f'list or anyone who wanders by later (I am not generally a fan of being spoiled for things, so I do try to be considerate in this matter). I've organised this post by fandom, and then by information on the canon I know, what I like most about canon, what I didn't/don't like about canon, and other considerations for the fandom, so hopefully, it's easy to follow!

If you're curious about my general kinks and squicks, those'll be listed on the bottom of this post, though, really, don't worry about those. I'd really rather read something you enjoyed writing, even though it wasn't in my list of things I wanted most, than read something you didn't like, but that fits my limitations. Write something with the characters on the list in some combination, and I'll be happy!

That said, here we go!


Characters requested: Jerome Eugene Morrow, Vincent Freeman

This is the only non-book series of my three requested fandoms, so I don't really need to say much about the canon I know versus the canon I don't. I mean, I've seen the film in its entirety, and recently, at that (in fact, I found the film this summer, through a lecture series at the film society in town, and the shortage of fic for it is what led me to Yuletide). So. I suppose I'll just jump straight in to what I love about the film.

Things I love about it: I love the complication in the relationship between these two. It's an unusual sort of circumstance, and they'd both obviously be under a lot of pressure. Vincent has his Issues, and Eugene certainly has his fair share as well-both the stuff they share (not getting caught) as well as the things they're dealing with before they enter their arrangement. I love how, as the film progresses, we see the growing level of familiarity, but how that doesn't necessarily mean they're completely at ease around each other. Psychological barriers and all, you know (especially with Eugene). I like how Eugene still retains that bit of prickishness and bite, even when he's close to opening up a tiny bit more, and I love Vincent's determination in pretty much everything. He knows what he wants, and he's going to do absolutely whatever it takes to make it happen.

Things I don't love about it: Personally, I can't think of much at the moment. I know it's not a perfect film, but nothing jumps out at me as something I hated.

Other considerations: Given that the only two characters on the list are the two I requested, I'd ideally like to see something about them interacting. Now, by the time I saw this movie, I'd already been immersed into fandom culture, and especially the slash culture, so honestly, I saw this with my slash goggles firmly in place (apparently, once they're on, they're on for life?). There were so many moments of UST between these two (at least, I thought so). Heated glances, long looks, body language, etc. So, yes, what I started trying to find was fic that incorporated that.

That being said... If you're not into slash, don't worry in the slightest. I will be perfectly happy with these two being friends, or even not being "friends". I'd love to see your take on their relationship, given all their complications. Irene's not one of the characters included in the listing, so I suppose it's not as if you'd be writing a vivid Vincent/Irene romance, but if she's mentioned in the background and you've kept to canon-based things between her and Vincent, it wouldn't bother me.

Ideally, I'd like something set within the canon timeline of their (Vincent and Eugene's) meeting, but I'm open to other options. Canon-compliant is love, but if you have an idea for something revolving around Eugene before he meets Vincent, or if you want to deviate from the film's ending in any way (whether it's just that Eugene doesn't perform that final act and waits, or Vincent doesn't go after all, or some other thing or combination of things), that's also perfectly lovely. There is a shortage of fic in general for this fandom, and really, I'll be happy with pretty much anything. Character death is fine (either canon-compliant or of your own devising), if you choose to go there. While I love canon-compliant things in general, and that is certainly my preference, it's not as if I'll be livid if you write something completely AU, set in a world unlike that of the film (obviously, given above remarks, if you go AU with purely the ending, I'm perfectly happy).

Dark Tower novels/series:

Characters Requested: Roland Deschain, Eddie Dean, Susannah Dean, Jake Chambers.

Canon I Know: First of all, I haven't read the graphic novels (I know, bad fan, right?). I own a few of them, but they're all still pretty and in their little special box thing, and with our current living situation, they'd only get ruined if I took them out to read here/now. Anyway. What I mean by that is, the only canon I know is the seven novels of the series (plus the short story "The Little Sisters of Eluria", which I read when Everything's Eventual came out. Said story takes place between the events recounted in Wizard and Glass and the beginning of The Gunslinger). Any other backstory from the graphic novels is unfamiliar to me, but if you use any of that in whatever you create, I won't be upset about spoilers (though if you could mention you've used something from that source if you have, that'd be awesome, but lack of such won't bother me).

My favorite things about this fandom: I love so much of it. I love the mythos of the Tower, I love the references to things in "our" world bleeding into All World (songs, literary references, things like the "Sneeches"), and vice-versa, and I love the characters on their own and interacting with each other. I love the complicated feelings Eddie and Susannah have for Roland, because he's a stubborn bastard, and they don't always understand his apparent lack of compassion, but they acknowledge that he DID save them, though they also know they've been infected by his dream/obsession of reaching the Tower. I love the Roland/Jake dynamic, how there's so much guilt and love and gratefulness, plus the father/son vibe. I love seeing how these characters, together and on their own, change Roland. I love how complicated each character is, and how their interactions vary based on the others' influence/circumstance (even Oy). And I love the supportive, devoted, and passionate relationship Eddie and Susannah were able to forge, fucked up as they were, and how that relationship has also given them new motivation and made them stronger as individuals.

Things I am not a fan of in canon: Hm. It's not really so much of an issue, given the character list, but some parts with Pere Callahan just didn't interest me quite as much (but maybe that's because I've not read Salem's Lot). Ditto some of the stuff with Ted (though I have read Hearts in Atlantis) and Sheemie. Actually, I think more could have been done with Sheemie, when the ka-tet meets him outside of Devar-Toi/in Thunderclap. There seemed a bit of potential for more with him and Roland, but things felt almost rushed. The sudden leaving Susannah does also just didn't "feel" right to me, like there needed to be a bigger, more sudden stimulus. And some of the Mia stuff just didn't hold my interest the same way as the rest of the novel did. There's nothing I remember flat-out HATING, though.

Other considerations for this fandom: IF you're going to write a romantic pairing, my preference is for Eddie/Susannah. If, however, you want to pair Roland with Eddie or Susannah, I'd be okay with it, as long as it's not some sappy-lovey relationship. As Jake's under-age, though, I'd prefer if he were kept out of a sexual relationship with the adults. And though I state in my general notes I don't like drug!fic, if you've got something like that with Eddie floating in your head, I wouldn't object, as it is in line with canon. Overall, I love canon-compliant things. I'm not really a fan of AU, as in "here are characters with the same names and basic traits, but set in 1920's France" or something like that. The one exception to that in this fandom, I suppose, is that we get to see that there really ARE "worlds other than these". In that vein, if you wanted to write something set, say, after Susannah goes through the door in NYC, that would probably be awesome. But I'm also totally for seeing "hidden" moments within the timeline of the series. Any combination of the characters from the list are wonderful.

Demon's Lexicon series:

Characters Requested: Nicholas "Nick" Ryves | Hnikarr, Alan Ryves, Mae Crawford, Cynthia "Sin" Davies.

Canon I know: All three books, most of the related short stories SRB's posted on her LJ/website (I mean to read those I've missed soon), plus some of the "deleted scene" cookies (The Anzu!Alan/Nick rooftop scene SRB gave in the read-through for The Demon's Covenant, plus many others) given during the chatzy chats and such with SRB.

Things I love about the series: So freaking much. I love the complicated motivations for things, as well as some of the characters being so aware that there is often a need for representing yourself one way, while being another way. There's dishonesty, desperation, and desire aplenty. I couldn't even list you a favourite character, as I've loved them all, despite their flaws (I mean, for example, I alternated throughout each of the books between thinking "Alan, you bastard!" and "Awwww, Alan! Come here so I can squish and love you!" --sometimes, within the same chapter). I ADORE how multi-faceted everyone is, and that by the end of the series, we see how much characters have the capacity to change (Even Nick! Probably!).

Things I don't love about the series: Um. Tough question. I really can't think of anything.

Other considerations for this fandom: If you've snooped through my own fic master list, you've probably noticed my two fics for this fandom are both Sin/Mae. Believe it or not, that wasn't my OTP-I don't actually think I HAVE an OTP for this fandom. If you're a MarmFish, you already know the phrase, but I belong to the "omnishippers have fever-fruit goggles" school of thought. I'll probably ship absolutely anyone with anyone in the series, with the exception of Jamie/Mae (and anyone with their parents). I'm happy enough with the way the pairings ended up by the end of the series, though I wouldn't have been opposed to Nick/Sin or Alan/Mae, or even Sin/Mae or Nick/Jamie (if you want more information on my shipping preferences for this fandom, you can look here). In my general notes, I've said I don't prefer drug!fics, but you know what? Let's leave fever-fruit in as an option ;) But please, don't feel obligated to include any romantic or sexual feelings within the fic. Gen is also awesome!

I have no preference for relationship/pairing based fic, or just ensemble fic. Set it before the books, or in between, or after, or show a hidden scene within one of them, or show us a scene or mentioned occurrence from another character's POV. There's not a lot of fic at all for this fandom (and I've read pretty much whatever I can find!), so really, I'm open. I'm okay with AU, if you want to branch out/deviate from canon happenings at some point (sort of a "what if" scenario), but I will say that within this fandom, I'm not generally a fan of AU in the sense of "here are people with the same names and a few of the same traits, but in a story that's set in America in the 1980s, where Demons/Magicians don't exist, and by the way, Alan's a banker, and Mae's a prostitute" or something like that.

GENERAL NOTES (kinks/squicks, genre/rating preferences, etc.):

Besides the more detailed bits of information in the notes of each fandom, here's the basics of what makes me super happy, and what makes me run away:

Shipping/Pairings: I am honestly quite content with m/m, m/f, or f/f relationships. Don't write romance or smut? No problem! I also love gen!fic (and it's often hard to find)! Any barriers to the relationship thing are in the details of that specific fandom, and really, there aren't many.

Ratings: Again, I am super-easy to please here. I don't require smut in my fics. I don't require anything romantic or sexual at all, even! I am just as happy with a nice G-rated introspective or buddy/friendship fic as I am with a nice, dirty/steamy smut scene!

Genres: And yet again, I am fairly open! My favourites include angst, flangst, drama, and humour (anywhere from light humour to utter crack). Fluff, action, mystery, etc. are also good. PWP or plotty are both fine (though I admit, I'm the plot-loving sort, but that's probably because, personally, I generally fail at writing short you might have guessed from the length of this letter!). Love character introspection, but don't get hung up on that if it's not what you do.

Things I love in general (tropes, kinks, etc.): snarky/witty banter, small signs of comfort/affection/familiarity (casual touches, being familiar with someone's routines or preferences, etc.), sexual tension (resolved or unresolved).  Voice!kink, uniform/clothing!kink. There are a zillion other things I like, but I think many of them are fandom/pairing specific. If it's not on the list below, though, I'll probably enjoy it!

Things that aren't my cup of tea (squicks and such): mpreg, tons of pet names ("baby", "gorgeous", "my love", etc.) used in earnest, daddy!kink, mommy!kink, pornstar/rentboy/etc.!fics, drug!fics (exceptions noted in respective fandoms), plus some of the more common sexual squicks (watersports, scat, necro, bestiality, vomitplay), as well as sounding, felching/snowballing, chan, and incest.

That's about it! If you've made it all the way through (even if you skipped over the fandoms you don't know), I applaud you! Sorry I'm so wordy--I'm just excited! Please don't feel too stifled over anything within this letter. Even if, for some reason, you included things in my squick list, I'd still read the fic and appreciate the effort that went into it. Don't feel bound to include all of the things I said I find awesome (you'd probably go mad trying). If you enjoy writing it, chances are excellent I'll enjoy reading it! Thank you so much for participating in Yuletide :)

Sincerely and with love,


reference: things i like, fandom: gattaca, yuletide, fandom: demon's lexicon, fandom stuff, dear yulegoat, organisational stuff, list: fandoms and ships, fandom: dark tower (stephen king)

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