He's Nice!

Oct 01, 2009 04:41

Who: Chielyth, Khameth
When: Day 23, month 11, turn 20 of Interval 10.
What: Chielyth really likes someone with green eyes.

To Khameth, Chielyth projects, << KhamethKhamethKhameth! LOOK! >> *scribbly stick figure man who isn't Kai* << I want to go flying with him Khamethletsgoflyingcanwecanwe? >>

To Chielyth, Khameth reaches back out to Chielyth with a swirl of mist, though it's not as heavy and cloaking as his usual calm. But then, he's a little excited too, bright birds flitting through sunlight. << Slow down, little one! >> he replies, voice hushed but warm with humour. << There is always time to fly. Now, let me see him again? >> Unspoken, the wish for the scribbles to be slightly less scribbly if at all possible. He cannot recognise the man such.

To Khameth, Chielyth calms, if barely, quivering like a bowstring. She draws another version of Maitrey, still gloriously stick-figure but with green eyes this time. << He's /nice/, >> she adds, managing to put a space between the words this time. << I told Kai he's nice I likehimdoyoulikehimKhameth? >> Quiver, quiver.

To Chielyth, Khameth is probably going to be annoying, but he takes his time examining the stick figure, though he keeps his 'presence' close, silver mists rising and falling. It's ultimately the green eyes he focuses on. << G'dri met a very -interesting- man with green eyes. But I did not get to meet him. >> Sad dragon. He shares the image, the floppy hair, youthful features, and a white square with scribbly Chielyth-like drawings on it. << What do you like about him? >>

To Khameth, Chielyth can hardly stand it, whatever 'it' is. << I don't know! He's nice. Kai says he's nice. I like him. He's nice! >>

It might otherwise take a while for Khameth to make the connection between 'Iwanttoflywithhim' and 'nice' and 'hey we've got eggs on the Sands.' But his mind is there already, eagerly preoccupied and so maybe it's forgivable when he asks, << Do you think he's nice enough for Elaruth? >> And Elaruth's eggs, of course.

To Khameth, Chielyth brightens up immediately, the clouds not just drifting away from the sun but dissolving. << YES! Khameth, yay! ElaruthwilllikehimverymuchIhavetotellKai! >> Hopefully her rider will be able to translate.

Clouds dissolve, and so does the mist, Khameth quite readily sharing in her delight. No words, just those brilliantly hued wings and the strange calls that come with them. He'll probably share later, when she's less distracted, but he found one too, yay!

*elaruth-mikhuth09, chielyth, ~khameth

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