Vanissa Changes Her Mind, Yay!

Oct 01, 2009 04:27

Who: G'dri, T'rev, Vanissa (( Khameth, Mecaith ))
When: Day 23, month 11, turn 20 of Interval 10.
Where: Lakeshore, FTW
What: Vanissa would like to speak to G'dri about accepting Search. Mecaith plays messenger.

Dragon> To Khameth, Mecaith is polite, quiet as he pings gently, sands on the edge of thought. << T'rev says that *Vanissa* would like to speak with your rider about accepting Search, Khameth. If you do not mind? >>

Dragon> To Mecaith, Khameth's reply, while his voice never loses its quiet timbre or cultured quality, is almost ridiculously excited, a bright flutter of a flock of multi-coloured wings chasing through shafts golden sunlight within the verdant jungle of his thoughts. << She does? She does! This is excellent, where is she? I will tell him and we will be there shortly. >>

Dragon> To Khameth, Mecaith is always so very calm and zen for the most part, wind whispering over sand dunes in return. << Indeed, she does and we are by the lake. >>

Lakeshore, Fort Weyr
The lake's shore is a broad crescent of golden-hued sand, stretching from the southwest wall near the feeding grounds and arcing toward the southeast and overlooking the blue waters of the lake. Where the lake deepens, that water turns a murkier blue-green, hiding an untold number of perils in its depths. It is an oft-used location for dragons seeking a place to sun or for residents and riders who feel a need to take a stroll; the sand is generally kept pretty clean and while there are no shells, there are periodic bits of obsidian and other volcanic stones to be found if one feels like picking around.

Laughing, T'rev lifts his shoulders. "There's ... at least one minor hold blood already searched," he says slowly and clears his throat. "Just ... be careful and don't think of it as um, spying. Just keeping your ear to the ground," the Weyrleader notes then gives back a step as Vanissa comes flying at him so and he hugs her tight. "They're coming here, stay put." As Mecaith lets him know.

If eyes could light up more, Vanissa's do it. "Oh, -really-?! A holder's blood in there?" Her fingertips cover her mouth and she mumbles something unintelligible through closed lips that are quirked up at the corners. Her meaning hopefully clear: She wont say a word and she'll be as sneaky as they were when they were kids. Her arms squeeze her brother, then she's releasing him and half-turning to leave as he speaks. She stays put as he's asked, head turning to watch Khameth and G'dri approach.

T'rev just laughs outright at those words and shakes his head. "Incorrigible," he teases her and watches as Khameth and G'dri approach. He lifts a hand to wave to G'dri, then nods and turns to climb aboard Mecaith. "I'll see you later," he calls down and in a moment Mecaith is lifting off and heading up and up and away somewhere.

Khameth's got a bright bugle of greeting for Mecaith whilst he and his rider are still in the air, and then the stocky old blue is spiralling down to a landing. Well away from people, as he hits the ground a little too hard and wingbeats stir grains of sand into the air. For his part G'dri lifts a hand in a return wave for T'rev, no actual waving happening but a palm-out gesture. Having forgone anything like helmet or even gloves, he unhooks the token strap he had time to fasten and swings down to the ground. "Good day, Vanissa," he lifts his voice to call as he begins to walk towards her.

Vanissa waits, lifting a hand to shield her eyes from that sand as Khameth lands. She turns her head briefly to watch Mecaith lift off, "Bye T'rev!" Then her attention is back upon G'dri as she waits for him to approach. No cockiness to her stance, but she's certainly not cringing as she greets the rider easily, "Hello G'dri. Come to offer me some more fun, I hear." There's a bright smile to go with that and a mock-pout as a hand lifts palm-up. "And not one raindrop in sight!" How sad.

G'dri is dogged by Khameth, the blue no-way no-how going to sit back all the way over -there- when that girl he liked so much the other day is here again. Though he's not a pushy dragon, as far as that goes, not crowding so close that he'll be looming but definitely pushing his blocky head forward to rest his chin in the sand before Vanissa's feet. "You daft old thing," his rider murmurs fondly, hand lifting to rub over a headknob. "That seems to be the message I received," he replies, brows lifting slightly before he turns his attention fully to her, and his smile is warm. "Things were perhaps a little too overwhelming for all of us, that day. Am I safe in assuming then, that you have reconsidered your earlier refusal?"

Amusement quirks Vanissa's lips as the blue's head winds up at her feet, "Hello Khamenth." Her eyes lift slowly to G'dri, puzzlement on her face as she tilts her head, appearing to consider his words, "Overwhelmed? Noooo..." Innocent blink. "Were you?" Then her lips widen into an impish smile, "T'rev says I have been known to have that effect." She flaps a hand, "Y'know, I -try- not to be that way..." But then she's dropping the silliness and she's all seriousness. "I have, yeah. T'rev helped me sort some stuff out." Her eyes flicker between dragon and rider, "It's not something to take lightly, if you two will pardon me my abrupt departure the other day. I was... surprised."

Khameth rumbles back at Vanissa, presumably happily from the calm colours within those big faceted eyes. Her antics for the most part really seem to have absolutely no effect on the bluerider, G'dri amused but by no means impressed. Maybe it's just that she's so young. Or that she's, well, a she. His regard is mild through all the silliness, patient as he waits for it to end. With a quite serious shake of his head, "If you had been the only one present, child, there would have been far less confusion and need for subterfuge." For her more serious words, his regard warms a touch, compassion entering into his expression. "There is nothing to pardon, Vanissa. It -isn't- something to take lightly, and it quite often is surprising. Few enough ever -expect- to be Searched, even with a dragonrider in the family, and those who do--" His lips twitch and he shrugs, but doesn't follow that line of thought to the disapproving conclusion. With a slight bow and a crooked smile after the pause, he asks far more formally and with utmost gravity (and twinkling blue eyes), "Vanissa of Big Tree Waystation, would you do Khameth the delightful honour of accepting his request that you Stand for Elaruth and Mikhuth's clutch, currently upon our Sands?"

It's more likely that Vanissa is trying to wrap her head around the new track her life is taking than trying to impress anyone. By the look on her face, she doesn't really quite know what to make of the word 'subterfuge' regarding Search, but she makes no comment until G'dri is finished speaking. Her manner is relaxed, confident but hardly casual as she inclines her head with a slight smile, takes a breath and answers simply, "Yes." And if impish laughter dances in her eyes, it's only Khameth who sees as she meets the dragon's eyes, for when her head lifts, they are back to grave as she meets G'dri's eyes. "I'm... honored. And when this all -really- sinks in? Then I'm probably gonna be overwhelmed."

At that 'yes' Khameth croons and swings his tail back and forth, flips his wings a little and makes the 'sails rustle together. G'dri's smile widens, as he straightens out of that small bow, another pat in the offing for his lifemate. "When it does sink in, there are hundreds of people you have the option of talking too if you desire. Your brother of course, but we have -all- been there, even if some of us are more distant from it than others. If I might suggest, enjoy it as a life experience, a... thrill." There's a wink for that, recalling the turn the conversation had taken that rainy day when he and Nia started trying to hustle reluctant youths outside. "Are there any questions you have now, that you have not already asked your brother? I am to answer what I can, and also, to inform you of what few rules -- guidelines, really -- of conduct are expected of Candidates."

Vanissa flashes Khameth another brief smile before nodding at G'dri as he continues, her answering grin at the word 'thrill'. "Questions... no? But I may in a day or two." She considers something, opens her mouth to say, then decides it's best left unsaid. For the time being. "Rules?" Her eyes sharpen at that word, but not in surprise. She's had T'rev to share with her on his experience, after all. Still, it's a wary sort of way in which she asks that one-word question. and a subtle bracing of self to hear the answer.

"As I said, and this goes for questions as well, there are potentially hundreds of us that you may ask. Though, as with people everywhere, some of us are grouchier than others." G'dri smiles and gives Khameth, who is still watching Vanissa as if she might run away again oh please don't, a nudge to the side of the muzzle as he starts to walk around that fat (for a blue) head. "Walk with me? I am required to inform the Headwoman of another addition to the barracks, and if you were performing other duties here she can make certain that you're appropriately reassigned on the rosters so no one mistakenly comes scolding for shirking." The gesture of his hand is, predictably, off in the direction of the Weyr proper. "Rules first then. Do not, under any circumstances, go out onto the Sands unless you have been expressly invited by junior Weyrwoman Hattie or possibly D'kai. Should you desire, you are of course welcome to sit in the galleries. And this will become more important as the eggs grow harder, that you not leave the Weyr without a dragonrider in close escort, who can return you here swiftly. The rest, as I noted, are more guidelines of behavior than actual rules as such, though blatant defiance may be met with consequences."

"Barracks." There's the ever-so-slight downturn at the end of that word as Vanissa echoes it. But he's walking and talking so she falls in step listening and nodding her understanding. "Sands. No problem there. I... don't think I even know where they are yet." Because someone's been a busy bee and done other things with her spare time than egg-peek. She is silent for a few steps, the crunching of sand the only sound until she halts, "Consequences being?"

It seems that Khameth is going to follow them, though only close enough that his head bobs about five feet behind -- and several more above -- their own. G'dri glances across at Vanissa and lifts his eyebrows slightly, nodding, "Yes, barracks. It may not be the most desirable accommodation, but all Candidates are housed therein." Simple statement of fact, no apology offered for the arrangement. Helpfully, he turns a little and points off in the appropriate direction towards where the Sands are in relation to their position, "Most will be able to direct you, should you desire to go there. Most do, but some don't. It is by no means -required.-" When she halts, so does he, and so does Khameth, and the bluerider turns to face her more fully again. "That depends upon the offense. A short lecture to expulsion from Candidacy, to cover the extremes. Mainly, Vanissa, we expect you to be respectful of people and take care of yourselves. Avoid serious altercations such as fist fights, do not get overly drunk -- though you are of course, still allowed to drink. You are Candidates not children, and you won't be treated as such. And while it is not expressly forbidden, neither is engaging in sexual activities encouraged." Simple and straightforward, he continues, "Be discreet, and be smart. If you were to become pregnant, -that- would be immediate grounds for expulsion. In the event of Impression, a baby dragon is quite overwhelming enough without a baby human to take care of as well."

Vanissa nods, "Barracks, check." Something she'll likely come back to when there's time for questions. Her eyes follow G'dri's pointing out of the Hatching Sands, her eyes returning to him and she tilts her head considering, "Respect is somethin' Gramps helped my mama teach us." A slow smile warms her otherwise serious expression, eyes crinkling. "I won't let my brother down." She nods agreement to babies and baby dragons, then clears her throat, "So we all sleep in one room but we must be discrete about sex. Not meaning to be impertinent, but that one's gonna be a challenge." Not really meant as a question, more like a thought voiced aloud.

They're going to be gifted with a wash of stinky dragon breath when Khameth snorts as G'dri laughs right out loud. "My dear girl, the number of places in this Weyr to take a lover are many. A careful eye and a propped chair will even afford you the comfort of a bed if you know which rooms in the residential tunnels are currently unoccupied." Dragonriders, oy! What part of that was discouraging, again? Oh that's right, none of it! With blue eyes twinkling in high good humour, he gestures again and takes a questioning little step, ready to start walking again? "So as you can see," he continues, voice rich still with mirth, "what we expect is pretty much what anyone anywhere would expect, as far as your conduct goes."

See the disadvantage a newcomer is at? So sad, really. But Nissa, perking at the bluerider's words, laughs outright at his commentary. She resumes walking at that gesture, nodding agreement about conduct. "So. Now that the fun of sneaking about for the fruit of forbidden sex is but dust and ashes, tell me why we are all sleeping together in one room when there are residential tunnels unoccupied?" Not that she minds, it's just a curious concept to her.

"Not forbidden. Highly discouraged," G'dri would have to split hairs, one long finger raised to emphasize the point. And, his shoulders lifting in a shrug as they continue across the bowl apace, "Convenience, mostly. Putting you all together means you are easily located or at least contacted. Sometimes the empty communal rooms can be several tunnels apart, scattering you across the Weyr."

"Ah yes. My point exactly." Vanissa murmurs to that. About the communal rooms, she doesn't miss a beat. "Be a lot like home, y'know?" Yes because, wall to wall bodies snoring, muttering, and talking while others are trying to sleep is JUST like it. At times. She eyes the angle of the sun in the sky, "So, is there anything else? Because my shift in the dining area is starting soon..."

G'dri tilts his head to one side, "Will it? Then, perhaps you will not find it so uncomfortable." Eyes narrow in consideration, before he shakes his head, "Not on my part, no, I do not believe there is anything more you are required to know immediately. I will make sure that everything is arranged with the Headwoman, and you will be added to the Candidate chore roster. I expect also, someone will find you so that you can add the white cord into your knot." It might take a little longer than those words to finish crossing the bowl, still being perhaps annoyingly dogged by Khameth the entire way. Until they must part to head off in separate directions, at which point the bluerider will perform another one of his shallow bows, smile cheerfully and wish her a good day.

#searchrider, *elaruth-mikhuth09, vanissa, mecaith, t'rev, ~khameth

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