Kids These Days

Sep 30, 2009 03:04

Who: G'dri, Maitrey, Nia(NPC - Tobas), Tilin, Vanissa
Cameo Appearance: D'kai
When: It is an autumn morning, day 20, month 11, turn 20 of Interval 10.
Where: Commons Cavern // Bowl, FTW
What: It's a busy morning in the Commons with a thunderstorm outside! Homicides, cider, cowards and Search! My log cuts short because of massive headache, boo.

Commons Cavern, Fort Weyr
While not nearly as large as the living cavern, the commons do serve something of a similar purpose as a gathering point for residents. There are a few scattered tables and chairs, with a section of counter carved from the native granite for general use. The typically cool floors are covered with a handful of rugs, while tapestries serve to blunt the chill emanating from the walls. Lighting is provided through glow baskets for the most part, although some individuals might bring in a lantern if they think to.

It's a fair bit quieter than the living cavern and is designed more as a location for residents to meet and work on whatever work needs to be done -- mending, cleaning, and tending to children are only a small sampling of the things that can be seen going on here. It's most active later in the day, after the bulk of the work is done and people start to settle in for the night, but it's never empty of people.

It also serves as a hub for a variety of useful caverns -- the nursery is located across from the residents' dorms, with the bathing cavern situated between the two. The candidates barracks are somewhat off to the side, closest to the tunnel that leads back out to the inner caverns.

Breakfast is winding down in the inner caverns. Rain and thunder is keeping most folks inside today, leaving the inner caverns busier today than they normally would be as young ones and their caretakers gather there to draw, color and play table games. Servers ply them with hot drinks and the freshly-baked rolls and cookies and wipe up spills created by restless elbows. Vanissa is on break, having brought a basket of cookies, a pitcher of hot spiced cider and several mugs to the commons where she now sits in a chair before the fire talking with Maitrey, who has the couch. Several aunties, seamstresses and children are at the other tables.

Vanissa inclines her head, almost reluctantly it would seem. As though bereft, "You drive a hard bargain. A drawing for a draught of cider instead of a specially-written song just for me, or even a croaked out well-used one." She chuckles after saying that. Just who has the better deal? "And what will you draw?" Her own mug is sipped from, lowered. "But you might want to drink that while it's hot?"

Somber, or so it would sound; "I assure you, Nissa, you will thank me for sparing you. I've heard your brother belt out a song before, and I would not subject someone whose family obviously has an ear for music to my version of it." Maitrey adds on an apologetic but resolved nod at the end there, his smile drowned in his mug while he avails himself of his hard-driven-bargain of cider, exhales on a blissful sigh. "Mmmmn," while he swallows quickly. "What will you have me draw? --Please don't say a still life of redfruit. I'm not sure that I can go through that again."

Into this haven of warm and dry strides a rather damp middle-aged man, fingers slicking back through greying hair to strip some of the moisture from it and redeposit it upon also-damp shoulders. That from just above knees to ankles, the front of his trouser legs are also damp, along with the leather of his boots, indicate that he's actually had to brave the outdoors this morning. Shrugging out of his jacket, G'dri's course wanders past one of those groups of children, where he stops to chat briefly with the nanny in charge, bends to admire the drawings a couple of the more extroverted children eagerly display. He doesn't linger long, a smile for the group as a whole and a wink for the nanny at some quip she makes, before his steps are bringing him closer to the hearth where the artist and cook both sit. Polite, "Excuse me, do either of you mind if I dry out a bit?"

Vanissa just laughs, offering a casual, "No redfruit, then. Alas." She ponders the question, her head canted to one side. "Surprise me?" She sips from her mug, content with the quiet sounds behind them of children at play accompanied by the soft snapping of burning wood and the tang of smoke and rain when the captious wind puffs down the chimney. The rider's request rouses her from her reverie. "Not at all," she says easily, a warm smile slanted up at him as the fingers of one hand uncurl from her mug to point at the basket and pitcher on the hearth, offering lightly, "I'm feeding the famished today. Cookie? Hot cider?"

There's extra humor in Maitrey's words, an extra certainty in the look that he pins on Vanissa while he answers her surprise-me; "I'm sure I can do that." Thankfully, and for everyone's edification, it's the chaste sketchbook he has on his lap at the moment, and he looks down at it to find himself still in the middle of his Elaruth-and-eggs scribbling. A bite tucks into the side of his face while he looks down at it, thus missing G'dri's entrance at first and enabling a toe-to-head reveal of the bluerider when his presence is noted. "Swim here, did you, sir?" he adds after Vanissa, daunted and amused by the man's dampness.

"Thank you," G'dri replies to Vanissa's 'not at all,' inclining his head in the young woman's direction with his own warm smile returned. He steps around to edge up next to the hearth then, not hovering too close but close enough that the heat from the flames can start to soak into and begin drying out his trousers. "Ah, some hot cider would certainly be welcome. Again, my thanks, miss." Though it'll have to wait a moment at least, as he rubs his hands together, fingers flexing against the chill that still lingers. Blue eyes shift to the harper, amusement crinkling their corners. "No son, I flew. Which in a hard rain, is almost as bad." With enough of a turn to bring both young people back into his regard, he bends a touch at the waist, "G'dri, blue Khameth's." Manners, manners.

Vanissa cranes her neck, an attempt to see what Maitrey is drawing, but since the sketchbook is upside down to her perspective, if she notes what he's drawing she doesn't indicate, merely shrugs and settles back against her seat. She bends to set her empty mug on the floor beside her chair, reaching into that sack for a garment and a threaded needle, straightens up and flickers another look at the rider's soaked state as he attempts to steam dry. "Stuff's on the hearth behind you. Don't drip on the cookies?" There's nothing but easy humor in her caution before she's responding to his last, another easy smile to go with it, "Well-met G'dri, Vanissa of Big Tree Waystation. T'rev's sister."

Maitrey gives his cider a look when Vanissa goes offering, a look that is a little guilty about sitting there all cozy and enjoying warm drink compared to frozen-solid blueriders. Almost as bad-- "Perhaps worse," is the quiet addendum. He unravels one hand from his mug to offer it over to G'dri after the completion of that bow, chiming in with a pleasant, "Maitrey, sir. Who will even give up his seat hearthside, as you are clearly in greater need of it than I am." So saying, pending handshake or blowing-off of it, he moves his mug, cookies, and sketchbook on down to the other end of the sofa, leaving his own boots where they are near the fireplace but otherwise clearing the way nicely.

G'dri chuckles, lifts a hand briefly to his hair as he jokes, "I shall most earnestly endeavour to -not- drip on the cookies." There's a slight lift to his eyebrows at her intentification, neither surprised or impressed but merely considering of the information and the way it's supplied. "Well met, Vanissa, Maitrey," Seeking to make eye contact with both at the repetition of their names. And while he himself is disinclined to the initial offer of a handshake, he won't turn his nose up but reaches out for a brief, firm but not overly hard clasp to the young man's hand. "That is not necessary," he begins, as he turns then to avail himself of a mug of that cider. "But you have my thanks." Lots of thanking, this morning, whee! Once that side of the couch is clear the bluerider will sink rather gratefully into it, "Please, pardon my interruption of your conversation." Which is to say, don't mind him.

It is after breakfast, the commons are scattered with women quietly sewing and children coloring and playing games. Quiet compared to the inner caverns, which are busy with bored young ones and nannies trying to keep them occupied with snacks, drinks and table games. Before the fireplace, Maitrey sits at one end of the couch while a clearly rain-dampened G'dri sits at the other. Vanissa is seated across from them in a stuffed chair. The trio seem to be talking and sipping hot cider.

Vanissa smirks at Maitrey and his guilty looks over there, "You're gonna let him sit on your roof, huh?" She'll leave -him- to explain that. She's taking no note of the bluerider's reaction to her casual name-dropping, her attention has moved on to something else entirely as her hand waves in the general direction of the bowl. "How do you -see- flying out there in all that rain?" She lifts a leg and nudges the basket with a sock-clad toe, sliding it down the hearth towards G'dri so he can reach them if he so chooses.

"The only thing that will suffer by my relocation, sir, is my indolence, and it could stand to be knocked around from time to time." So saying, Maitrey re-stretches his legs and finds a mirror of his previous posture, though his toes won't be quite so toasty down this end of the sofa as the other. Looking down at his paper, like he actually intends to /use/ it and not just let it sit protectively on his lap, he answers Vanissa's quip out of the side of his mouth, "I let /you/ sit on my roof, didn't I?"

"Sit on whose roof?" Passing by, a tall blond knotted with wingrider threads can't resist spinning on his heel after catching /that/ little tidbit of information, and the man wrinkles his nose between Maitrey and Vanissa. "And can I come?" Faint hope paints itself across his features as, apparently, he joins in on the conversation, clasping hands behind his back and rocking on to the heels of his boots. "Wait, but first: have any of you seen a, uh, Kash around? About so tall," Deke indicates with a bright grin around the collected group.

Tilin comes making his way out of the workrooms, gitar slung over his back as usual, and some papers in his hand. He starts to make his way to a table, but spotting Maitrey and D'kai with some others he doesn't recognize, he makes his way over in that direction instead, giving a little wave as he gets close, "Hello."

Blue eyes glance between Weyrleader's-sister and Harper, brows arching slightly but he doesn't ask after what seems to be a shared joke between them. "I don't, actually," G'dri answers Vanissa's question readily after indulging in a blissful swallow of that cider. "In weather like this, what short flights are required, I must rely solely on Khameth's senses instead of my own." An amused grin crosses his face at D'kai's self-inclusion, and he inclines his head briefly to the bronzerider. "Kash? No, I'm afraid I'm not acquainted with anyone of that name, worry." With another brief nod for the instrument-toting lad he also doesn't know.

Vanissa's eyes twinkle merrily at Maitrey, "You did indeed let me sit on your roof and look what happened." Nissa points out sweetly, "You proposed marriage." An amused quirk of brows follows the newly-arrived D'kai's question and her answer to the stranger comes without hesitation or inhibition, amusement rippling in her voice, "Three-" a glance is shifted G'd'ri's way, "-make that four - might get a little crowded under there, doncha think?" She points under the couch to clear all doubt as to exactly where Maitrey's 'home' is. "Don't know a Kash." She offers Tilin a welcoming smile and a casual, "Heya." G'dri's answer has a thoughtful look settling upon her face and a murmured, "Takes some trust."

To answer both the bluerider's glance and the bronzerider's question, Maitrey supplies a mild laugh and a wave of his pencil-wielding hand. "It was only a very little bit funny in the first place, sirs, and not worth the explanation." Though Vanissa goes on to mention the marriage proposal, and his eye twinges a little at the corner, feigning a perturbed flicker. "I assure you," he adds with excessive sobriety, leaning a little toward G'dri, "that I will not give a repeat of that performance, sir." He and G'dri share the couch, Vanissa has a comfy chair, D'kai is dashing through, and here comes Tilin, too. Whew. The latter gets a quick lift of his palm as a greeting.

D'kai considers a moment, tapping his chin and nodding one for G'dri -- Tilin, too, earns a brief flash of a smile before the bronzerider lifts a finger and darts after a woman leaving the cavern, calling brightly, "Oh, Kash! Wait up!" -- whether or not it's actually her? Maybe the man's apologetic tone drifts back to the group he just left.

Tilin looks up to D'kai as he hurries off, but then turns his attention back to the others. To those sitting nearby that he doesn't know, he offers, "I'm Tilin, apprentice Harper." He gives just a slight bow, with a grin.

G'dri laughs outright as Vanissa continues further, the lines around his eyes going deep. "The question that follows, dear girl, is did you accept?" Certainly not taking the concept seriously, much too much amusement in his voice. tipping his head towards Maitrey then, the bluerider murmurs out of the corner of his mouth, "Will you not?" Mild, and then he's leaning forward to settle his elbows on his knees, bringing the cider mug to his lips again. Looking across at Vanissa, he lifts his brows a bit but with all the chattering taking place a murmur is missed, only the motion of her lips seen. He barely spares a glance for the dashing D'kai, turning instead to drop another nod towards, "Tilin? Well met. I am G'dri, blue Khameth's."

Vanissa is enjoying Maitrey's perturbed twinges, feigned or no, by the look of utter entertainment upon her face. The fingers holding her threaded needle finally apply to the task at hand as she bend her head to find the rend in the skirt's seam, thus missing D'kai's hasty exit. She manages a few swift stitches before Tilin's speaking. "Heya Tilin, well-met. Vanissa here. I'm nothing, really." She doesn't seem to mind one bit to admitting her lack of formal training. While she's still looking up from her mending, her eyes laugh back at G'dri, "Psh, no!" But I contracted him to food-taste for the rich old lord I shall marry." Hazel eyes turn a slight wink Maitrey's way, then drop to focus on the work in her lap as needle flashes in and out of material.

"I'm trying to keep my marriage proposals down to one per month, sir. I could write you an I Owe You?" Maitrey pantomimes, aided by the fact that he actually has a pencil in hand, but he doesn't commit the act to paper. At Vanissa's continued explanation, he drops that poised hand and adds, "She neglects to point out that I am the person meant to be poisoning said rich old Lord. It's all very complicated. So-- How are you, Tilin? There were cookies here a moment ago..." His own has been nibbled to non-existence, but he looks around for the basket?

A middle-aged, damp-haired blonde woman wanders in from around the corner from the inner caverns. She pauses there despite being in someone's way and goes a little distant in expression before a smile lights up her face and she's glancing around with much more focus. Typical Nia. "G'/dri/," she enthuses as she approaches the seating arrangements, the bluerider in particular and makes to slip in beside him with some lacking consideration for personal space. It's then that she offers a merry, "Hello!" to everyone else. "Mind if I join you?" Belated, perhaps, but sincere.

Tilin smiles to both G'dri and Vanissa's introductions, "Nice to meet you both." Then to Maitrey he shrugs a little and says, "Oh, I'm fine. Finally finished the assignment I've been working on for days. You?" He grins some at the talk of rich old Lords, weddings, and poisons, but doesn't contribute to that side of the conversation. To the new arrival he smiles again and greets, "Hello."

"Ah, but the spontaneity of a thing makes it that much more enjoyable, don't you think?" is G'dri's response to Maitrey's pantomimed offer. His grin is back, or maybe it never truly left, as the story if further elaborated upon. But his comment is actually directed to the new arrival when he lifts his head at the sound of his name. "Nia! Come here, sweetheart." Which she's doing anyway, so it works out rather well, and he easily switches which hand was holding his mug to lift his arm up to allow the woman to settle as close as she likes. "Do you know, we're surrounded by nefarious plotters," he confides to her merrily. "Well, and one possible innocent. Cookie?" Reminded by Maitrey, and he leans to find the basket that got pushed over earlier, to lift it up and thus offer it to both Nia and Tilin.

Murders are best discussed on dark and thundery days, so the plot being aired today is nothing if not appropriate. Nissa raises one finger to her lips, dancing eyes include the group at large, "Breathe not a word, but do nudge me towards a particularly disliked lord and perhaps all will be well?" Except for said lord, of course. Her hand lifts and she points with the needle towards the basket of cookies sitting on the hearth beside where G'dri sits. "We can pass it around if you'd like one, Tilin?" But the bluerider is already waving the basket as she speaks. She returns the Nia's smile readily, "Not I." then she's back to her sewing. Innocent.

With a snicker, "'Spontaneity,' he says to a harper." Maitrey shakes his head, eyes trailing Nia of their own accord-- damp + blonde + teenage boy = worthy of a glance, middle-aged or not, and his quick-flickery smile certainly won't object to company, help herself-- before they attach to whatever he's scribbling. "Sir, we rehearse falling out of bed in the morning," with a do-the-math tone. "You know how it goes," he returns to Tilin, shrugging without looking up. "A little work, a little homicide, keeping busy. Good for you, though. I heard exams were terrible this year."

"Oh, cookie," Nia says like this is possibly the best thing she's heard all day so far. She plucks one up to nibble along the edge and glances over to what Maitrey is working on before her eyes flicker up to take in his face while he's otherwise distracted by his scribbling. "Oh, he's adorable," she asides to G'dri with her brain to mouth filter absent as usual. "Who are we homiciding?" It may not have been a verb before but it is now.
Tilin nods to the offer of a cookie, giving another smile, "Thank you." He takes one, taking a bite as he steps back again. He nods to Maitrey then and says, "They weren't that bad. Except for theory, I'm always having trouble with that."

"I can think of a few disliked lords," which might answer Nia's question as well as Vanissa's, "but unfortunately they are already married." A pause and then, "A rehearsed life, son, is a life unlived," G'dri says across Nia with what would be utmost gravity if he could stop his eyes from crinkling up at the corners. Chuckling, he shakes his head at the blonde next to him, "You think so?" Once the cookies have all been claimed, with an extra tilt to see if Maitrey or Vanissa wants another, he'll set the basket down again and retrieve his mug instead.

Vanissa laughs after Maitrey speaks, but she too, is focusing on her task and doesn't look up as she stitches. It's only after Nia's question that she lifts her head, seeking the woman's eyes with delighted conspiracy lurking in the pale gold glints of hers. "We haven't decided yet. Do you know of a particularly rich and wicked man Pern wants to be rid of? He'd need to be lookin' for a wife... She hastily amends following G'dri's comment, "or a second.. or third." Yes, that part would be rather crucial to the plan.

"Ah," begins Maitrey, shaking his pencil instead of his head. "On the contrary, sir, a rehearsed life is a life lived over... and over... and over. You experience a thrill once. We--" Indicating himself and his fellow harper there, head dipped toward Tilin. "--get to repeat the performances in our heads." Yes, he knows that's something of a stretch, and his chuckle doesn't take the matter with any degree of seriousness. He waves off another cookie, still doing okay with his cider over here, thanks. "He also needs to be in need of a new food-taster, ma'am. We have very exacting standards, you see," to Nia.

This is bright-eyed and bushy-tailed Nia. It takes her a moment to wrap her head around wanting to get rid of someone but she's smiling all the while and it never actually quite seems to sink in. "I don't. But I'll keep an eye out for one. Why does it matter if he's married or not? Does that actually stop a man from... stuff?" She glances first to G'dri, then Maitrey, then Tilin. One of them should be able to answer and if not, she's already getting distracted, asking the harper, "Did you make these?"

Tilin grins and says to Nia, "I think the plan is to marry him first, then poison him." Then he says to the others, "Afraid I don't know any either." He, of course, isn't taking the talk seriously at all, and seems to have trouble to keep from laughing. Then he nods to Maitrey's assessment of a rehearsed life, grinning still.

"It's just a joke, sweetheart," G'dri murmurs to Nia, arm dropping to give her shoulders a little squeeze. The bluerider looks between Maitrey and Tilin, perhaps obligingly for the gesture, or perhaps another reason. The tilted head gets directed to Tilin, eyebrows lifting, "Do you really agree with your compatriot here? That a rehearsed thrill is as good as one genuinely experienced for the first time, without preparation?" He at least, is quietly ignoring the 'stuff' question. Ho hum. Or maybe he's just distracted, as he keeps squinting a little, and he turns a little to try to catch Nia's eye, to lift his brows at her.

"Paranoia is easy to instill in the very wealthy and aged," Vanissa giggles over at Maitrey, waving her needle in the air with nonchalance. T'rev has read far too many stories of intrigue to her in the past, it seems. "I can put the notion for a food-taster into his ear." Nia's question has her blinking bright innocence and she adds after Tilin, "That I may live off his wealth after he is gone." She echoes G'rdi with a reassuring grin towards Nia, a nod for emphasis, "Yep it's a joke." Of course this is all Maitrey's fault that she's come up with such a plan. Threatened with living under a garden bench for the rest of her life will do that to a girl.

With his thumb hitched toward Vanissa, Maitrey clarifies, "The plan is for /her/ to marry him. /I/ am merely the facilitator of his untimely demise. And I believe that depends on the man in question, ma'am." A glance goes to the three here gathered, like maybe there's an adulterer in their midst who will speak out to the matter? No? "I will leave the paranoia to you, Nissa, and brush up on my herbalry," he adds, an ear cocked to attend Tilin's answer about rehearsals.

The skinny little blonde rolls her eyes when G'dri squeezes her. "I knooow." Probably, Nia knew. It's not as though she's going to admit if she didn't but she's blonde, not stupid. There's a difference, yes. Nia glances between Tilin and Maitrey again but when she looks back at the bluerider, one of her own thin brows arch back at him. Her gaze drops to her breasts. Are there crumbs? She flicks a hand over them just in case, then her gaze shifts up again, turning toward Vanissa, "Oh, right! Wealth. I wasn't really considering motivations. Definitely want one that's unmarried, then. Be a shame to have to /share./" Never mind that it's already been established as a joke.

Tilin grins to G'dri at that question and says, "Depends on the experience. The first time a new song is played in front of an audience? That needs rehearsing, or it won't impress them, and it won't be a thrill. But, say, riding dragonback the first time? That's best unprepared. Though, even after getting rides to all the Gathers recently, it's still amazing."

"Given the plans that have been bandied about this morning, I'd say paranoia is easy to instill in the unwealthy and middle-aged, as well, young lady," G'dri jokes easily, with a wink across the way for Vanissa. Still with a gleam of humour in his eyes, "Oh but it would make such a better story if -you- were to marry the man in question, instead." Just to really push the boundaries of the ridiculous, as he's leaning again to look past Nia at Maitrey. "So, you see the value in both sides of the argument. Good lad." Tilin, obviously. And then he's looking back at Nia, laughing warmly at her actions. "What do you think? A lesson in the value of being unprepared for our new young friend and his companions?"

"/If/ he doesn't do himself in first by licking his fingers before his herbal concoction is perfected," Vanissa clarifies of Maitrey for Nia with a nod and a slow smile to the sharing bit. "Lots of sisters, brothers and cousins to provide for too." See? There's the shining virtue to the plan right there! She turns her attention to Tilin as he speaks, the humor in her eyes fades into skepticism as he speaks about dragon rides, but no, she says nothing. G'dri's comment to her almost passes unheard and it's with a blink she re-focuses on him only to crow her delight over his new plan. "Yes! I see the practicality for you Maitrey. No need for you to live under benches and tables anymore." Though exactly what's left in it for her, if indeed anything, is unvoiced.

Maitrey ought to get this tattooed to his forehead: "On the contrary," he chimes after Tilin. "I found it intensely terrifying the first time, Tilin, and I very likely would have benefited from some sort of preparation. Though how one prepares..." G'dri's cleverness is given a sidelong look; "Thank you, sir, but I'm not sure I'm particularly suited for the Dutiful Little Wifey role. No matter how well I rehearse. --And I'm still alive, aren't I? Give me a little credit, at least." That for Vanissa, with a hyped-up defensiveness when he leans forward to peer at her along the length of the couch toward her chair.

"Oh," Nia claps her hands together and sits up a little straighter. "I love lessons!" Or giving them to other people, at the very least. "Yes, lets do that." The greenrider shifts away from G'dri to scoot the small distance closer to Maitrey, one arm moving across the back of the couch behind him without actually touching. Maybe she does have some sense of personal space. Or maybe she just thinks he's poisonous now. "If you're still having problems with that intense terror, I'd be glad to offer my services." It's cheerful. Not creepy.

Tilin blinks at Maitrey's words, and says, "Really? It was thrilling. Scary, yeah, but that's part of what was so amazing about it. Made me wish I could write songs like my father, to capture it." He looks to G'dri curiously at the mention of a lesson.

G'dri allows the conversation to flow around him, listening with amusement still but finishing off his cider rather than adding any more jokes of his own to the mix. "Well then!" he says brightly as Nia goes sliding away, his grin matching his voice. Pushing up to his feet, the bluerider casts his eyes over the little group. "Let's all have a little fun, shall we? Come on, come on, up! We," and he turns his grin on Maitrey, "are going to go for a little walk. And no excuses. Vanissa, Tilin, you too." For the latter named, he has a wink as if he's letting them in on a joke, even though he's not really. But he has an expectant air that really isn't going to take 'no' or any excuses either.

"Thank you, ma'am, but as it's been pouring buckets all day," Witness G'dri, still damp, nodded to, "and I have a lesson to give before too long, perhaps I can take a--" Wait for it! "--rain check? Let me know how the walk turns out?" The cleverness of harpers, yes, and Maitrey with no shame for the pun. The fact that it comes on the heels of Nia scooting closer is likely just coincidence, but he does look to be gathering himself for departure, boots drawn over to shove his feet into and such. "I've gotten to where I don't mind so much now," he adds toward Tilin, "but, when I was a boy, I hated it."

Let's no go there (her first dragon ride), says the expression on Vanissa's face. Instead she returns Maitrey's look and grins, greatly amused by his question, "Well, yes? But you tasted herbs from the kitchen's garden. Now when working with poisonous plants, one lick awry could be fatal, no?" She laughs outright at Nia's proposal to him, "Start by teaching him how to keep his fingers out of his mouth." So he can live long enough to have those riding lessons, perhaps? Tilin's comment earns a glance, "So was the first time T'rev talked me into jumping off a cliff. And the second... and every time after that. Like to see you write a song about -that-." A faint smile curves her lips as she bend to resume her forgotten mending, a smile that hastily vanishes into confusion as G'dri speaks, "In the rain?" The look she slides towards Maitrey at that is priceless. Since they'd both done so recently and here both are questioning it.

"Don't think I won't remember, darling," Nia beams at Maitrey but she doesn't try to hold him there so he can't run away. She stays right where she is but she looks at the other two. "What's wrong with the rain? It's just water. Better than snow, at any rate. I like it." It's then that she rises and moves to start heading away. Will Maitrey let her ruffle his hair? She tries anyway. "Well, I'm going to go have fun."

Tilin gets an even more curious look as G'dri invites them all for a walk. "Alright." He grins to Vanissa and says, "What's a little rain? It won't hurt. As for the cliff, as long as there's water below, sounds fun." Though, he steps over to one of the more responsible children he recognizes from his turns helping to teach, and hands her the gitar he carries and the papers, "Hold onto these for me, please? Be careful with the gitar, and don't change the tune and you can play with it." Smiling, he then turns to catch back up to G'dri.

"A rain check." G'dri doesn't -actually- facepalm, but his tones pretty well substitute for the gesture. "Son, don't think you've wriggled out of this one." But it seems he is no more inclined than Nia to forcibly detain Maitrey. He just has a very look for the youth. "And yes, young lady, in the rain. Come, one can always benefit from a little fun and while we have one coward in the group...." It's teasingly said, a smile to attempt to take any sting out of the character slight. "Surely a woman who will jump off a cliff is not so afraid of a little water falling from the sky?" Out of the three, the truly approving look is for Tilin, and when that young harper hustles to the proposed outing, the bluerider has a friendly clap of his hand aimed for the lad's shoulder.

"Nothing in Nerat. But this is Fort Weyr, it's freezing out there and he-" Vanissa's needle once again points as she answers Nia, this time to G'dri rather than the cookie basket. "-just got dry?" She looks at Tilin with narrowed eyes that glitter with challenge and humorous glee at the same time. "Oh, This I want to see. Next time T'rev takes me home, you must join us. I'll scribe the lyrics you sing out on your way down, hmm?" Maitrey's scrambling to leave? But she's still sitting, not at all concerned that she's not getting an approving look from G'dri too. "You're serious?" This to G'dri with something akin to disbelief.

"Call it cowardice if you like," Maitrey answers in the middle of lacing his shoes, looking very warm and comfortable and likely to stay that way! He's in no position to combat the hair-ruffling, and probably resigned to it by now, having suffered it for years, only a quick puff of breath afterward to chase the scattered hair off his forehead. "But at least do so with the full memory of the chattering teeth and terminal dampness that drove you in here, sir." The added, "Good luck," seems to belong to Tilin, kind of the way one might say 'good luck having your guts ripped out, hope that'll be fun!' All in one piece, sketchbook held in both hands and folded against his back, he heads off for the dry safety (if one can call it that) of the nursery.

Nia is already on her way out but she pauses before going out of sight completely to look back and call, "So are we going or what? C'mon, it'll be exciting! And then we can all-- okay, maybe not that." The last more quiet as she throws a filter in place just in the knick of time. "You'll live, I promise!" Ignore the laugh as she continues.

Tilin grins again to Vanissa, and says, "Sounds great. As long as I don't have to sail a boat to get back to land." He looks back up to G'dri, smiling at the approving clap to his shoulder. He gives a wave to Maitrey and does give a slightly nervous look to Nia, but still follows after G'dri.

G'dri hmms quietly, and finally shrugs his shoulders. "Absolutely serious, Vanissa. Your choice, of course. Thank you again for the cider." His willingness to push only goes so far. Of course, it wouldn't really go over well to just dump the Weyrleader's sister out of her chair and over his shoulder, so. Lucky her? "Yes, yes, Nia, slow down!" he calls across the cavern, hastening to catch up with the woman before she fully disappears.

Maitrey's back is given a look for his escape. How -dare- he?! Vanissa heaves a sigh, good-natured though it is, leans down to stuff her mending in her sack. "I'm coming, wait for me." This is sing-songed to Nia in a 'humor-the-dragonriders' sort of tone as she rises, feet dragging, reluctance in every step and follows. Tilin merely gets a chin-chuck when she catches up to him and a "We'll see babe." She slides a rather confused look at G'dri as she passes G'dri. Fun she can handle. Freezing is another matter altogether.

Nia can slow down a little bit if it means people catching up to her but now that she's on her feet and not sitting, her restless, in-constant-motion nature is a little more obvious. "Kids these days," she asides to the bluerider with a hopeless shake of her head. "You'd think they grew up in boxes, some of them." She's still smiling, mind.

Tilin speeds up his step, as well, to keep up, as he follows after G'dri and Nia. He smiles to Vanissa as she comes too, but he doesn't say anything more for the moment. Curious to see what the surprise is, he just follows along still.

Dragonriders on a mission! At least they can clear the way easily through the foot traffic? G'dri isn't offering any answers to confused looks, either in expression or with voice, just looks pleased to see Vanissa coming along after all. "Kids," he agrees as he stretches his legs a little to fall into step beside Nia. "Though this would have been easier if they weren't stuck in such a cluster. Confusing." He casts a look over his shoulder, to make sure everyone's still all together. It's not too long of a walk through the tunnels, a turn here, another there, and as they all exit out to the Bowl there's at least a blocky, cobalt blue dragon sitting close. A dragon who almost immediately unfurls a wing to create an umbrella from the wet, even if it won't do much good for the temperature.

Big Tree Waystation might well have been a box, but it was a warm one? A box without dragonriders and Weyrs for the most part. Vanissa's still snickering over something every time her eyes slide towards Tilin and she adds sweetly, "Head-first dives. And the cliffs are very high." As she walks through the caverns her confusion clears not one bit. At the entrance, she wraps her arms about herself in spite of the warm sweater and wool skirt she's wearing. And yes, that wing helps, but the blue is given an the odd look. She flickers an uncertain look at first Nia, then G'dri before stepping under it as they're obviously expected to. "Where are we walking to?"

"Pfft, clusters," Nia says, waving a hand like that's ridiculous. "Could just tell them to anyway." She's not very picky. She never has been. She has the track record to prove it. Not far beyond the blue is a green and as the parade comes out, she warbles a greeting to everyone and moves closer. She's not so helpful with her wings, however, and even takes up some of the umbrella space with her head to get a look at everyone. "Huh," is what Nia says and she glances at G'dri.

Tilin grins and nods to Vanissa, "Well, ok, maybe I might hesitate a *little*. But I'd still probably do it." As they get outside, he smiles as he looks up at the dragon's wing that protects them from the rain. Though, he seems a little hesitant as he says, "Thank you," as if not quite sure whether to address the dragon himself or the rider. Then he looks to G'dri again at Vanissa's question, curious.

"Did I ever say we were walking anywhere?" G'dri asks far too innocently of Vanissa in turn. Having listened in quite cheerfully to the conversation going on between the cook and Harper, he notes as an aside, "At least these've got some spunk, eh Nia? And I refuse to ask your pardon for my manners." With the lightness and teasing in his voice, it's likely an old joke shared between the pair. Khameth is obliging to Lisveth as well as humans, his wing lifting a little higher when the green sticks her head under as well. The blue's eyes whirl brightly, his head weaving from side to side before he lets a low-toned warble to slip out from his long throat. Stretching his blunt nose towards the other dragon, and G'dri echoes that 'huh.' "I'm getting the same message. The honours are all yours, my dear." With a cheeky grin and a bow to Nia.

Vanissa giggles at Tilin, "I'm sure you would." They stand there, not really walking anywhere as the green joins them. Her eyes slide from Nia to G'dri as she shifts restlessly, ignoring the green head other than to give it a faintly guarded look, her normally easy and relaxed manner is gone and in it's place, faint unease. G'dri's question has her head turning, "No? I guess you didn't, but you said fun. When do we get to that?" Her smile is back, crinkling the corners of her eyes. Dragons warbling and 'huhs' exchanged has her perplexed but shrugging unconcern. "This was nice?" See, she's not so sure and that crucial word 'fun'- is not in there. "Meetin' your dragons, but.. can I go in now? I'm freezing!" Still smiling and backing in imperceptibly small (lest she offend one of the riders) steps back to the cavern entrance and warmth.

"Spunk is good. Have to work on that whole 'oh no it's cold out' thing, though." Nia levels a look at the younger woman, eyes bright with humor and her good nature. "No, no," to Vanissa again. "Stay." Good girl. "So here! This is Khameth and Lisveth," she gestures to each respectively. "They both agree that you two should Stand for those eggs out on the sands," a gesture in that general direction, too. So formal. "That's exciting, huh? So if there's a time for spontaneity, I think this would be it. What do you say?" She's wearing that look that's entirely hopeful, way too happy to be out in this weather.

Tilin blinks at G'dri's words, "Well, you said we were going for a walk, but..." He blinks then as the dragon warbles, looking even more confused at G'dri's words to Nia. He's obviously a little cold, too, but not making any movement to leave. He's far too curious, and enough of a local he's used to the cold weather. When Nia finally reveals what this whole thing is about, his eyes pop open wide. He swallows to be able to speak, and he asks hopefully, "You're not joking, right?"

"I'm sure she'll toughen up." That Khameth swings his head around again, to drop it behind Vanissa with another little warble, has everything to do with the girl's sidling. Not so fast, missy! "Right now," is G'dri's answer for her, his grin bright and utterly unapologetic for using deception to get them out here in the first place. "Couldn't raise any hopes, if there were any to be raised," he does explain, at least. "So, Vanissa of Big Tree Waystation, T'rev's sister, what do you say?" Echoing Nia, and looking just as happy. "And then we can all head back inside." Though his expression turns to something more reassuring, as he nods to the young Harper. "No son, this isn't a joke."

Vanissa halts at that first word 'no'. Her upbringing did teach her some respect for her elders, after all. But she doesn't step back closer, though she really only managed three baby steps back, she's still standing under that umbrella-wing. Brows raise as eyes waver between the green and blue at the introduction with a little 'is that so?' look, but she's polite enough not to say it. At Nia's words, her eyes fly open wide, "What?" Tilin's got it right, he must have. She's back to easy and relaxed. "Oh, haaa!!! Of COURSE it's a joke!" She starts laughing and snickering, her answer to G'dri is, "That's a good one you two. Did T'rev put you up to this?" She turns around to start back, peeking over her shoulder, hazel eyes dancing at the riders, "I'll have to tell him you almost got me with that one." There's a warble and when she turns her back there's a big blue head blocking her way. Still laughing, she's making her way around it, offering the blue a pat in the process and missing the rest of what the rider says to Tilin.

"Not joking," Nia echoes to Tillin, glancing after Vanissa when she starts heading off. For her part, the nonplussed one, the greenrider doesn't go rushing to stop her. Instead her hip cocks to the side with the shift on her slight weight and she looks at her clutchbrother. "I guess that must run in the family." She doesn't specify exactly what 'that' is and Lisveth watches, too, rumbling agreeably.

Tilin blinks, looking to Vanissa as she starts to move away, and then back to the riders. Then, though, it's confirmed they're serious and he smiles brightly, excitedly answering, "Yes! I will! I never thought..." Then he hesitates, and turns, calling after Vanissa, his Harper-trained voice loud enough she should hopefully hear, "They weren't joking!"

G'dri reaches out, fingers aiming to brush against Nia's arm in brief warning, a little tug. Step this way. Because Khameth is moving a step forward and taking his wing with him, which might leave them exposed to the rain. The stocky blue turns his nose into that offered pat, head swinging further to block Vanissa's path again. "You do not know me, child, so I will tell this to you once. Even if the Weyrleader were to ask that such a thing be pulled as a prank, which I do not believe he ever would, I would not agree to such. This is entirely serious. If you require time to think about your decision, that of course is entirely allowable." Tilin's enthusiasm has him giving the boy a wide grin, a cheerful, "Excellent!" But the bluerider is still more focused on the reluctant one, so leaves the Harper to the attentions of his clutchmate. Though the greenrider does get a quirky smile, "We should have the opportunity to find out more certainly, hmm?"

Vanissa hears Tilin's call all right and when she turns around to face the group, all merriment has been wiped from her face, leaving consternation in its wake. That big blue head moves behind her again, unbeknownst to her as her eyes shift between Nia and G'dri, including Khameth and Lisveth in a brief upward flicker of a glance and a singularly-worded, "Seriously?" She listens intently to G'dri speak, nods once, but there is no rush of joy flooding her face. Bewilderment chases shock, indecision chases bewilderment and finally irritation wins the race. Her emphatic answer, "No! No, there's no need to think about that at all!" She pivots suddenly, her intent to flee only to pull up short to keep from a collision that head in her way. For a long moment she stares at those eyes, then she turns back, her voice oddly strained, "T'rev tells me Search is an honor and for all I never been -in- one, I'd like to say thanks." Her eyes move from rider to rider to the dragons and she adds, "Uh, to all of you. but the answer is no. No thank you." And she's twisting around, skirts flaring out in her haste, as she moves around Khameth's head and strides inside the Caverns.

Nia watches after the girl for a moment, then looks at G'dri, smiling fondly if thoughtfully. Finally she just shakes her head and focuses all of her attention on Tilin, beaming smile right back in place. "I'm glad to hear that, sweetie! We can go inside now if you want. You probably know where the barracks are. You can just pick out a place to settle in and all that fun stuff. Easy as pie." She pauses, then asks, "What was your name again?" Probably something good for her to remember.

There's very little reaction from G'dri one way or the other, his expression closing into calm lines. Undemanding, unjudgemental. If anything, for the young woman's vehement reaction he seems mostly compassionate. When his voice lifts, it's to say, "Let her go, Khameth. It's her choice." The blue lets out a croon, only the sound to chase after Vanissa rather than the dragon himself. His hand lifts to pat his lifemate on the shoulder, and then the man turns his attention fully to Nia and Tilin. He might share a look with the greenrider, and does shrug his shoulders lightly, before his eyes crinkle when he smiles. "She's pretty much it well enough. If there's anyone you would like tell personally, at Harper Hall or your home, Khameth and I -- or possibly you and Lisveth, Nia? -- would be happy to give you a ride. Doesn't have to be today, of course. Whenever you like, and duty permits, obviously."

Tilin watches Vanissa's reaction to the offer with a shocked look. But then he looks back to Nia, blinking again, and says, "Oh, I'm Tilin. Is that all I do, just move into the barracks?" He looks back to G'dri then at his words, nodding quickly, "Yes please. Can you tell Master Rodric at the Hall that I won't make it to his classes? My father'll be sending his firelizard for that assignment I mentioned finishing earlier, so I'll just add a letter to tell him then."

*elaruth-mikhuth09, vanissa, tilin, ~khameth, d'kai, #searchrider, maitrey, [npc]nia, [npc]lisveth

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