optimystik and I made a craigslist purchase Sunday evening -- an Ikea Leksvik TV cabinet. It was billed as a side table cabinet, so it didn't even occur to me that it was actually a TV cabinet until the sellers arrived and I noted the hole in the back for the cords and cables. It's far larger than I wanted, but the cabinet I did want is likely out-of-stock
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Comments 5
Although I'm sure not too pleasant having such fundies in your house, WHOA. But what a good story it makes!
PS: My best friend in 1998 went with her family to live on a farm bc of Y2K; she stopped speaking to everyone she knew in Dec 1998 in order to (Im conjecturing) "purify" herself in anticipation. They were what I'd call New Age fundies. She's since snail mailed her BFF from kindergarten, but isn't (AFAIK) ready to be friends with anyone she used to know. o0 (Id assume they're gearing up for 2012 now.)
Isn't it fun knowing you're not the craziest person out there? (And also terrifying, a little. These are the nutcases who shoot abortion providers and other people they believe are evil...)
I'd alost suspect they were having fun with me, except that seems an awfully elaborate joke.
I rather like that they're chasing this cave plan and thus creating a spiral of de-evolution for themselves. I'd say that makes it easier on the rest of us. We can just watch... hey, anyone bring popcorn?
So good prices on the funiture? *lol* oh wow that's one way to get my friday off to a start, it's going to be one of THOSE! weekends. :P
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