craigslist meets 2012 like whoa

Feb 04, 2010 13:59

optimystik and I made a craigslist purchase Sunday evening -- an Ikea Leksvik TV cabinet. It was billed as a side table cabinet, so it didn't even occur to me that it was actually a TV cabinet until the sellers arrived and I noted the hole in the back for the cords and cables. It's far larger than I wanted, but the cabinet I did want is likely out-of-stock indefinitely, so we'll have to figure out a way to make this work for our space. argh.

Anyway, while I was on the phone with the seller making purchase arrangements, he mentioned that he and his wife were selling all their furniture. I didn't bother inquiring further because I hate talking on the phone. So when they showed up and got the cabinet into our living room, I asked if I heard him correctly on the phone that they were selling all their furniture. I was thinking, perhaps, I'd hear a story about going on sabbatical to Europe or joining the Peace Corp or something interesting like that. The response I got was un-fucking-believable. I will do my best to relay the highlights of what insanity ensued.

He said yes, they were selling all their furniture, so of course, I asked why. Dumb dumb dumb. In a nutshell (haven't fact-checked any of this -- just relaying), the US government is installing RFID chips into people. They've already got it as mandatory in all the drivers' licenses for border crossings and whatnot. Next step is people. And if anyone refuses, by the time they get the campaign really going, then there are detention centres already built and ready to go, courtesy FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). The seller-guy mentioned the stadium in NOLA, post-Katrina as a prime example of the horrors of FEMA containment units.

Then he brings up New World Government, so the RFID chip will be mandatory all across the world and if there are refusals, they will send you to concentration camps (he didn't use that word, but from what he described, that's the visual that came to mind) and torture you until you relent and/or die.

And we're only touching the tip of the insanity-iceberg here. The guy then starts talking about Jesus and how a guy in Rochester, NY, has been receiving messages from Jesus about all of this and how he is gathering all his followers to get them to refuges, to protect them from the RFID chips, the New World Government, and more. So much more.

Because, you see, there will be a comet coming very soon, and it will decimate much of the earth and most of the people. Only 1 in 10,000 will survive. And this comet is the comet Lulin. It is coming in 2012. It came very close to hitting the earth when it was here last February -- it was only 30 million miles away. And it will be back around in 2012. We will have two weeks of warning before it hits. What is special about this comet is that it has a tail of fire instead of ice. It is coming to cleanse the earth because God is angry about all the abortions that have been happening. When a baby is aborted, it goes to God and asks for justice. This comet is part of that justice.

He said that it was interesting that the recipient of these messages is Roman Catholic because God has obviously left the Roman Catholic church. He knew God had left because the Roman Catholic church is no longer speaking out so loudly about abortion and about homosexuality. And then he blathered some crap about how no one seems to understand that the man is the head of the household and not the woman. God made man first so that woman could look to his experience because he'd been here longer. (WTFF? and I'm shitting myself at this point because this is happening in my living room, but it's such a fucking trainwreck that I can't stop it; I need to see how this fundie's story ends.)

So he and his wife have done a LOT of praying over this and lots of research and that led them to understand somehow that they needed to sell all of their stuff and head to one of the refuges. There are two types of refuges: above ground and below ground.

When the comet hits, those below ground will be safe. Those in the above-ground refuges will be lifted out of their bodies -- it will be as though they have died -- and their souls will be judged. And after three days, they will be placed back in their bodies and will continue on living (I guess -- unless those who didn't pass muster were sent to hell or something).

So when is the comet coming? Well, the first sign was when it was here a year ago -- it appeared along with the darkened moon (lunar eclipse), a prominent star and something else (or maybe the comet was the something else, can't recall). And those three things formed a perfect triangle, which represented the trinity -- God's Celestial Signature. Of course! And it was discovered, through messages received by the Rochester guy, iirc, that 1335 days later, the comet would return and would strike the earth. This puts it at sometime in September, 2012, according to fundie-man.

And he came up with some number, like, only 10,000 people from every world religion would be saved/survive this event. He kept coming up with numbers, I guess to sound like he knew what he was talking about. But sometimes the numbers would change.

Anyhow, through prayer, they discovered that they will be in the below-ground refuge. A cave. So these people are selling all their worldly possessions to go live with other fundies in a cave. WOW.

So how does one become one of the survivors? Well there are just three things that you need to do: you need to accept and live by (as best you can) the 10 commandments, live with God in your heart, and I just can't seem to recall what that third thing was. Maybe optimystik can remember.

The guy in Rochester has a website where he posts his Jesus messages:

Fundie-woman (or should I just refer to her as fundie-wife, since women shouldn't have their own identities -- they should all be referred to by how they're related to the most important man in their life: husband, in this case) pulled out a little notebook, flipped to the back, and ripped out a sheet of paper with the Jesus-message-man's URL on it and the following instructions:

"Read Jan-Recent messages 2009

Best to start with December messages 2009"

(as a total side note, analyzing her handwriting is interesting -- she has a mix of both right and left slants, with more left-leaning slants to her letters. This basically means 'introvert/something's pent up inside; not letting things out'. Her lower-case A's are all open, denoting an inability to keep secrets, and all of her zeros have little hooks in them, which means deception to a certain extent.)

At some point during this "conversation", fundie-man mentioned that he could show me all sorts of horrific proof about the detention camps for RFID-refusers and all sorts of other stuff on the internet. youtube has all sorts of videos. (Yes, I'm aware of all the conspiracy mind-crack on youtube, TYVM)

Doing a quick search today, I found this gem:

Now, the interesting part in all of this is that there are several parallels between the fundie-Christian take on comets and 2012 and the New Age movement on the same topic. Not sure I should address these parallels in this post or in another one. This one is already massively long.

Hrm. Gotta get the boy up now, so I'll post this and then write more later about the parallels. Very interesting stuff here.

Still, it saddens me that the fundies are in on this, too. I was just hoping for the enviro-new-age-hippies in the next world. Fundies are such a nightmare.

wait... what?, strange, 2012, oh noes!

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