Parallels between Fundie-Man and the New Agers

Feb 04, 2010 20:17

So fundie-man is totally on crack if he thinks Lulin is the comet that's returning in sept. 2012. Why? because any google search will tell the reader that it won't be back this way for another thousand years. Dumbass.

BUT that doesn't mean that another comet won't appear and decimate huge portions of the population -- it just won't be Lulin.

So I want to touch on a few parallels between fundie-man's claims and what I've read so far from other sources. But first, I just want to say that this whole business of the RFID chips and implants and New World Government is stuff I grew up with. My dad was big into conspiracy theory and UFOs and New Age stuff AND he was a born-again Christian. Yep. I got a little bit of all kinds of weirdness growing up.

According to my dad, the RFID chip and its ilk is, of course, the mark of the beast because the New World Order Government is headed up by the anti-Christ. Nothing new there.

Moving along to the 2012 material:

More on Lulin: it passed 38 million miles from Earth in February of 2009. The moon is nearly 240,000 miles from Earth, so this comet, while close, was totally not a threat to anything or anyone.

Now, something like the asteroid Apophis, which is 450 meters across, could do considerable damage to Earth should it collide (think Krakatoa x 8). It will pass by 14 million kilometers (8.7 million miles) from Earth in 2013 and will come even closer in 2036. But still, the likelihood of an impact from Apophis in 2036 currently rests at 1 in 250,000.

Still, just because nothing we know of seems like a good candidate for impact, it remains in the realm of possibility that something will occur around this time-frame, particularly once one considers such questionable sources as prophecies, visions, dreams, and crop circles.

Mayan and Hopi prophecy state that a red object will make an appearance in our skies and with it will come a great Purification. The Maya, iirc, refer to it as a red star, and the Hopi refer to it as the Red (Star) Kachina. The first of the Kachinas, Blue Star Kachina, has been deemed to appear as Comet Holmes in October 2007. That, according to their prophecy, as relayed by a New-Age white guy, begins the 8-year period during which the Red Kachina will appear. Blue Kachina is nice/benign. Red Kachina... not so much. (Kachinas are spirit beings, "life bringers".)

From the excerpt on this website (uh, sparkly-background warning), taken from LAST CRY: Native American Prophecies & Tales of the End Times, by Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf © 1994-2004, we read that, "From the Purifier will issue forth a great Red Light. All things will change in their manner of being. Every living thing will be offered the opportunity to change from the largest to the smallest thing.

"Those who return to the ways given to us in the original teachings, and live a natural way of life will not be touched by the coming of the Purifier. They will survive and build the new world. Only in the ancient teachings will the ability to understand the messages be found."

Now, I personally don't think the Hopi are referring to the Bible, here, but I could see how a fundie would interpret this as such.

The excerpt goes on to state, "When the Purifier comes we will see him first as a small Red Star which will come very close and sit in our heavens watching us. Watching us to see how well we have remembered the sacred teachings.

"This Purifier will show us many miraculous signs in our heavens. In this way we will know Creator is not a dream. Even those who do not feel their connection to spirit will see the face of creator across the sky. Things unseen will be felt very strongly.

"Many things will begin to occur that will not make sense, for reality will be shifting back in and out of the dream state. There will be many doorways to the lower world that will open at this time. Things long forgotten will come back to remind us of our past creations. All living things will want to be present for this day when time ends, and we enter the forever cycle of the Fifth World.

"We will receive many warnings allowing us to change our ways from below the Earth as well as above. Then one morning in a moment. We will awaken to the Red Dawn. The sky will be the color of blood, many things will then begin to happen that right now we are nor sure of their exact nature. For much of reality will not be as it is now.

"There will be many strange beasts upon the Earth in those days, some from the past and some that we have never seen. The nature of mankind will appear strange in these times we walk between worlds and we will house many spirits even within our bodies After a time we will again walk with our brothers from the Stars, and rebuild this Earth. But not until the Purifier has left his mark upon the universe.

"No thing living will go untouched, here or in the heavens. The way through this time it is said is to be found in our hearts, and reuniting with our spiritual self. Getting simple and returning to living with and upon the Earth and in harmony with her creatures. Remembering that we are the caretakers, the fire keepers of the Spirit. Our relatives from the Stars are coming home to see how well we have faired [sic] in our journey."

So with this excerpt, we see a move towards reuniting spirit with body -- becoming more loving towards ourselves and the Earth and everything around us.

As far as I'm concerned, this is the crux of what fundie-man was getting at when he mentioned living with God in our hearts. He may be thinking YHWH, but I'm looking at a more generalized notion of God, which can be said to be pure love (not the wrathful BS in the Bible).

This notion is also reflected in the more New-Agey sentiments, à la Daniel Pinchbeck, of deliberately raising one's consciousness in order to survive the coming changes and enjoy them.

This is a message received from Quetzalcoatl that Pinchbeck includes in his book, 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl:
“Soon there will be a great change to your world. The material reality that surrounds you is beginning to crack apart, and with it all of your illusions. The global capitalist system that is currently devouring your planetary resources will soon self-destruct, leaving many of you bereft. But understand the nature of paradox: for those who follow my words, and open their hearts and minds, there will be no problem whatsoever. What is false must die, so that what is true can be born.”

There is also an interesting connection between Quetzalcoatl and Jesus, both in the figures themselves and in the messages the New Agers and Christians, respectively, seem to be receiving. Definitely plenty there to explore.

Returning to the comet idea, we can look to Nostradamus. Apparently, he made several related predictions about things coming from the sky and destroying parts of the earth, going so far as to occasionally give latitudes. His focus is on the pope and on Europe because, well, that's where he lived and that's the biggest leader in his day.

Here is a rather exhaustive listing of his comet-related quatrains, including speculative interpretation:

Here are a few of interest that touch on redness and comet-like objects:
The Moon obscured in deep gloom, her brother passes with rusty color: The great one hidden for a long time under the shadows will hold the blade in the bloody wound. - I.84

After great misery for mankind an even greater approaches when the great cycle of the centuries is renewed. It will rain blood, milk, famine, war and disease. In the sky will be seen a fire, dragging a trail of sparks - II.46

Fire color of gold from the sky seen on earth: struck by the high born one, a marvelous happening: Great slaughter for humanity: the nephew of the great one taken, deaths of spectators, the proud one escaped - II.92

At the 48th degree of the climacteric, the end of Cancer there is a very drought. Fish in the sea, river and the lake boiled hectic, Bearn & Bigorre in distress from fire in the sky - V.98

The antichrist very soon annihilates the three, twenty-seven years his war will last. The unbelievers are dead, captive, exiled; with blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering the earth. -VIII.77

Cheery fellow, ain't he? Click on the above link to see the interpretations of these quatrains and all the others related to comets and WWIII and doom and gloom.

Ok, so we have Christian, Jesus messages talking about a comet that will bring Justice, Hopi prophecy talking about a red star in the sky that will Purify, and Nostradamus giving detailed accounts (on a small, Eurocentric scope) of comets coming from the sky and decimating much of Western Europe (and flooding all of England, likely due to a huge chunk of comet landing in the ocean and creating tsunamis).


And for more comet-related woo, check out for comet-related crop circles. Particularly the one at Avebury Manor in July 2008.

One thing that struck me while reading the Nostradamus predictions was this next one and how it related to something fundie-man said:

The year of the great seventh number accomplished, it will appear at the time of the games of slaughter, not far from the age of the great millennium, when the dead will come out of their graves - X.74

The dead coming out of their graves... This reminds me of the part of fundie-man's special talk where he described the souls of those in the above-ground refuges being lifted from their bodies, as though they had died, and then being returned to their bodies after three days, thus reanimating 'dead' bodies.

Additionally, the whole 'being lifted' part is similar to what I've read about friendly aliens coming to lift folk up into their spaceships to protect them from the violence that the comet wreaks on the earth, and then setting them back down after things have settled, helping them rebuild what is left, and helping them live lives closer to the Earth.

And lastly (for this entry, at least), we can look at astrology. I gotta cover all my bases when it comes to this stuff, so astrology's gotta be in there somewhere, right? ;)

I came across this link [] last night and found it really interesting. It's super long, so only those who totally nerd out on this sort of stuff would likely be interested, but the basic gist is that the astrological forecast for the years 2010-2015 will be, as the url states, a climactic period of crisis for earth's population.

In more astrological terms, there are a lot of transits that create a crapload of 'difficult' aspects (squares, primarily). Squares are challenges and how we deal with them will make the difference in how difficult these challenges are for us.

At this time in human history, at the dawn of a new century, and a new decade, what is observed is that the establishment generation of the last century chose to look back, and to remain “fixed” in the past while being ignorant to the immediate and near future.

This is called “angst” - where a generation is unwilling to accept that life changes through time - where the actions of a generation externalizes its own internal fears and lack of acceptance of the laws of nature.

What is noticeable about this particular global transition is that the older establishment’s angst over its own past, and its fear of the future, is self-created, however, it is also unfounded, and comes from the negative imagination that lie within the consciousness of the generation in denial.

If such inner work is put off, and not faced, then the global transits will externalize what is not being resolved within, and this appears in the world as multiple anomalous events, often ignorant, violent and nonsensical, that are then allowed to be forced into the physical world by the inclinations of the stellar and planetary transits.

Simply put: a serious change in human attitude could work wonders.

What that attitude is depends on us.

What's really gonna happen in the coming years? Fuck if I know. What I do know is that our general way of life is not sustainable -- neither for ourselves nor for our planet. We need a change for the better and living from the heart and doing a lot of inner work to get our collective shit together sounds like a good plan to me so that's where I'm gonna be.

woo, wait... what?, strange, 2012, oh noes!, spirituality

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