On the Topic of Hopi Prophecy

Feb 05, 2010 15:09

misslynx brought up a good point in her comment to my last post about Hopi Prophecy and how most of it that is found online can't be trusted because it is heavily misrepresentative of the actual Hopi Prophecy.

Well, hopefully the following is a bit more authentic, seeing as how it comes from Martin Gashweseoma, a Hopi elder. In these two youtube videos, he is AT the Hopi Prophecy Rock describing the images on the rock and what they mean.

image Click to view

Because it's difficult to see the carvings on the 'prophecy rock', I found a suitable image that outlines things a bit better:

The letters on the right side have the following descriptions, according to a scholar who specialized in petroglyphs. http://www.johnpratt.com/items/docs/lds/meridian/2006/petroglyphs.html#5 for descriptions.

If you take a close look at this photo, which was taken in the early 70s, and compare it to what it visible in the video, you'll see that the carvings have been added to and changed a bit in the last 40 years. The figure described as a one-hearted person who is on the wrong path looks quite different, and there is no cross visible in the photo and it very much IS visible in the video.

It is interesting to note that the petroglyph scholar says, according to the Hopi, that the evil ones - the three figures on the top line that have two hearts - originally had no heads because this was their punishment during Purification. In the last video in the series, we can see what these figures are supposed to look like, as there is a two-hearted figure with no head carved into the small stone tablet.

In the first video, Gashweseoma points to the second circle on the lower line and says "and after that [the first circle -- where the government "is still holding us, right here"], another one will be forcing us right here, we'll be purified right here in this...earth right here."

In the middle of the video, when pointing to the circle by the first, one-hearted person, he says:
"when this Purification is over, that's how we'll be getting onward on this earth."

At the end of the video, he points over to the second rock and says again: "when Purification is over, that's how we'll be getting onward." The second rock shows some sort of difficult-to-make-out "instrument".

More videos in this series
Prophecy Rock 2 Hopi Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma - talks a bit about the second rock, saying that some sort of instrument or equipment will be available to help us after Purification, and that there will be no more pollution and no more sickness.

Hopi Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma 3 - describes pictoglyphs given to him from the Maya and briefly mentions WWIII ("three more year, it might be war will starting") This was uploaded in 2008, but I don't know when it was filmed.

Hopi Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma 4 - talks about stone tablets that were given to the Hopi before they were told to migrate all over the world.


Another potentially authentic source of Hopi prophecy comes from this site, which contains transcriptions of speeches from Hopi elders. Unfortunately, not all of them are available, but here are links to the ones that are.

From the Beginning of Life to the Day of Purification: Teachings, History & Prophecies of the Hopi People
As told by Dan Katchongva, Sun Clan (ca. 1865-1972) Translated by Danaqyumptewa, Edited by Thomas Francis [really freakin' long; I haven't read it yet] Date given on menu page: 1970

The Public Statement of the Keeper of the Hopi Fire Clan Tablets, during his Prophetic Mission to the New Mexico State Capital at Santa Fe, December 1990, attributed to Martin Gashweseoma

Martin Gashweseoma, Cry of the Earth Conference, General Assembly, United Nations, November 22, 1993

His Final Message to Mankind From Hotevilla, Arizona, USA, Dan Evehema, Eldest Elder Date given on menu page: 1996

So while none of this mentions anything so specific as Blue Star Kachina and Red Star Kachina, they all touch on destruction and a great Purification that will happen if we do not change our ways and live more simply and more close to the earth.


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