Reading: The Omnivore's Dilemma, unadulterated LOVE for this book. It's up there with The China Study and Spell of the Sensuous. Also reading Wild Fermentation, which is exciting because it involves lots of experimentation.
Knitting: just finished a hemp back scrubber earlier today, and I just cast on an acrylic scarf that will, if it ever gets
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Comments 5
Well, look at it this way: you're not Alice. *snerk*
I thought fermented stuff was a digestion problem for you?
Healing vibes to N - I haven't suffered the misfortune of wisdom tooth removal myself but I've heard all about how miserable it is. :(
We should hang out sometime soon. :) Next weekend's packed (Saturday: breakdancing class with cybress and chillin' with abigor in the evening) and Wednesday evening I'm meeting up with 50_ft_queenie, but I'm free any other time as long as I take Moo with. :) Hm, I suppose I'll be trying to stop by the MnS on Tuesday afternoon and that's up by you, isn't it?
N has amazing recovery capabilities. It's astounding, really. Thanks for the vibage. ;)
Next week is mostly open. The weekends are all full, though. The MnS is on Tuesday of this coming week and I'm still not sure I'm going. It'll depend on whether I need to go to the market on Tuesday. Hell, I think I'm going to skip the MnS because it's no fun for me having to multi-task with A around. But you're more than welcome to come by here if the MnS is still going to be at the Greenman (you're welcome to swing by, even if it isn't!).
Lemme know what day works best for you, k?
For real. This is exactly what spurned me to learn how to make bread from scratch, make soap (and.. soon my own Lye) and find edible plants around the city and for north america in general.
Next on the list is preserves ;) I've also learned how to make clothes and bags without a sewing machine recently, using recycled materials.
You're certainly not alone.. Hell, if you want, we're making soap again when I get back in September if you'd like to join us?
I just got a pressure canner from Canadian Tire that I haven't tested yet (too chicken, thus far, plus NO TIME!) I want to put up some green and/or yellow beans before they go out of season. Oh, and I got a wonderful dehydrator from Excalibur (google it). It's been awesome!
Thanks for the soap-making invite. Lemme know what day/s and I'll see what I can swing. I need to get the viola/heartsease to you anyway.
and, hell, a couple more:
my mama-friend's blog:
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