Dance Along the Edge (10/20)

Dec 25, 2009 13:43

Title: Dance Along the Edge (10/20)
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Buffy, Obi-Wan
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Star Wars
Spoilers: Episode II; all Clone Wars media
Summary: Snark, comedy, action, a hint of romance; what's not to love? A series of of Buffy/Obi-Wan drabbles set during the Clone Wars
Disclaimer: Joss owns "Buffy," Lucas owns "Star Wars," I own my coffee mug.
AN: This series of drabbles was originally written for the Paradise Lost November Drabble-a-Thon challenge. Most of these drabbles will probably be used and expanded in a story I'm currently plotting and will hopefully start writing once finals are over. Thanks to the amazing revdorothyl  for betaing!
AN2: Merry Christmas to everyone! Here's to peace on earth and goodwill towards all!

Part One
Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine

Prompt: Crack

Obi-Wan was walking through the Republic base on Orto Plutonia, trying to locate Buffy. She hadn't originally been assigned to assist him and Anakin, but Master Windu had decided that she should go with them. Buffy had muttered about punishment for some joke, but had done her job of being a bodyguard for the Chairman and Senator of Pantora. Luckily, she'd managed to emerge from that catastrophe relatively intact, except for a worse temper than usual.

"Buffy?" he called out, stepping outside into the bitter cold.

"Here, Ben!" he heard her voice say to the right of him. He walked towards it, and was surprised when he saw her gaping at what looked to be a type of primitive vehicle with animals tied to it. "Ben, tell me if I'm slightly delusional, but do you see that sled up there?"

"I see it too," he confirmed, wondering why she was so interested in it.

"And do you hear that?" she asked, looking up at him, a confused look on her face. He paused, and he could hear what could only be the faint sound of bells jingling. He nodded, and she looked slightly relieved. "Oh, good. So I'm totally not hallucinating due to the insane amounts of cold. Of course, this totally means that Sally lied to me way back when."

"What did she lie to you about?" he asked, more confused than ever. She looked immensely pleased with herself for some reason he couldn't yet ascertain. His keen eyes picked out what appeared to be rather large humanoid approaching the "sled" with a sack on his back and climbing inside.

"That Santa Claus doesn't exist," Buffy said, a huge smile on her face. He watched in amazement as the man flicked the reins and the whole contraption sped up and became airborne, flying away into the distance. "Broke my heart when she said that my mom had been lying to me all those years."

"How...?" he asked, turning to Buffy, who only shook her head.

"Don't ask me," she explained. "That's a whole other mess I'd rather not get into right now." They continued to watch the sled spiral up into the atmosphere before disappearing from view. They turned around and walked back to the base, Obi-Wan still trying to puzzle it out in his head.

"Try not to think about it too hard," Buffy advised him, seeing his serious face. "You'll only hurt yourself, and then what use would you be? Also, now that I think about it, Anya must've been lying too."

"Try not to think about it too much," he advised her, a wry grin on his face.

"Oh, shut up, Ben," she muttered, stalking into the gunship. Chuckling under his breath, he followed her inside, the sound of the bells still ringing in his ears.

Part Eleven

pairing: buffy/obi-wan, fandom: btvs, fic: dance along the edge, fanfic, drabbles, fandom: star wars

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