Dance Along the Edge (5/20)

Dec 14, 2009 15:29

Title: Dance Along the Edge (5/20)
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Buffy, Obi-Wan, Anakin
Crossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Star Wars
Spoilers: Episode II; all Clone Wars media
Summary: Snark, comedy, action, a hint of romance; what's not to love? A series of of Buffy/Obi-Wan drabbles set during the Clone Wars
Disclaimer: Joss owns "Buffy," Lucas owns "Star Wars," I own my coffee mug.
AN: This series of drabbles was originally written for the Paradise Lost November Drabble-a-Thon challenge. Most of these drabbles will probably be used and expanded in a story I'm currently plotting and will hopefully start writing once finals are over. Thanks to the amazing revdorothyl for betaing!

Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four

Prompt: Sad

Obi-Wan watched Buffy out of the corner of his eye. She was sitting a few seats down from him, listening to the latest briefing about the state of the ground war on Muunilinst with a distracted look on her face. She had been becoming more and more withdrawn as the week wore on. Today was the worst, with her avoiding all contact unless absolutely necessary.

"Have you been noticing Buffy acting...odd?" he asked Anakin after the meeting had adjourned, and she had gone her separate way.

"By 'odd' you mean withdrawn, moody, and irritable?" Anakin replied absently, checking over a battle-plan. "Yeah, I noticed. I asked Padmé about it, and she said Buffy's always like that around this time of year. She never talks about it, though." Obi-Wan nodded his thanks to his Padawan, and went to go track down the wayward Buffy.

He found her at the edge of the camp, looking out over the bleak landscape of the planet. Hearing his footsteps she turned around to glance at him before resuming her blank study of the uninspiring vista. Hoping she wouldn't take offense, he slowly walked to her side and joined her, staying silent.

"Do you miss them?" Buffy finally asked, fiddling with her sleeves.

"Do I miss who?" Obi-Wan asked, turning to look at her, confusion on his face.

"Your family," Buffy clarified, her voice thickening, and she blinked back tears. "Do you miss them?"

"I never knew them," he told her quietly, studying her intently. "The Jedi are all the family I have." She didn't answer for a moment, and Obi-Wan wondered if she had heard his response.

"I miss them so much," she confessed, her voice breaking slightly and a tear running down her face. "It's been seven years, and it never gets any easier." Her shoulders began to shake, and he instinctively gathered her in his arms. He held her until her sobs subsided, and she pulled back awkwardly. "Look, I'm sorry for the breakdown-age," she apologized, looking away from him. "It's just hard this time of year."

"There's no need to apologize," he told her gently, meeting her reddened eyes. He didn't know where she came from, or why she hadn't seen her family in so long, but he would offer her what small comfort he could. He stayed with her the rest of the day, offering a sort of silent support. At the end of the day, before going to sleep, she gave him a quick hug.

"Thanks, Ben," she said quietly. "Thanks for being there for me."

He smiled at her, and gave her hand a firm squeeze. "What else are friends for?" She smiled at him, somewhat shakily, and made her way to her quarters. He watched her go, wondering if she would ever confide in him about her origins and how she arrived here. He would need to wait, however, and let her come to him if he wanted answers. With these thoughts in mind, he retired for the night.

Part Six

pairing: buffy/obi-wan, fandom: btvs, fic: dance along the edge, fanfic, drabbles, fandom: star wars

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