TITLE: Bushwacked
AUTHOR: kerk hiraeth
FANDOM: Torchwood / Buffy the Vampire Slayer (22'verse) crossover
CHARACTERS: Spike; Captain Jack Harkness, m/m slash if you squint,
LENGTH: 250,
PROMPT: Fandom: Torchwood/Buffy; Characters: Jack Harkness/Spike; Premise: A case of mistaken identity occurs when Jack meets Spike and mistakes
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Comments 10
You have some exquisite turns of phrase, have I mentioned that lately? Also the juxta position of the memory, and the time that had passed since. Works beautifully.
the other just confused from a brain wobble that he'd have been proud to have received from Ali himself.
LOL. Nicely done!
Man was on the edge.
No kidding. Love how you show it though - partly through Spike recognising the pain in Jack's voice, partly through simple observation.
“Darjeeling. I'll show you to the rift in the morning. “
Oh lovely. Lovely, lovely, lovely. :)
Best bit for me was actually hearing JM's voice, at least his character's voice(s); speaking those lines. May not be able to replicate that accent out loud, but in my head? It was like he was there; JM/Spike (even Capt. John Hart), standing right next to me.
Still working on the other request, but hope to have that done by Sunday. Hoping for more requests to come in, but not sure I've got a big enough reader base to do as much as I'd like to.
Bless, darling...the fact that you did so in the first place warms my heart!! You are a star!
And I appreciate how well you managed to characterize the relationship between Jack and John after watching just one episode? I'm impressed. Jack/John is very kiss with a fist and though I've not seen much of Buffy, I imagine that's something that Spike could appreciate too. Poor Jack is a very broken person, so I imagine he would latch onto Spike as a stand-in for John, at first, and Spike would enjoy the attention, but could it work in the long run...?
sounding as if he was crying without shedding. Man was on the edge.THE FEELS ( ... )
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