you know, i really need to post when things are good!

Jun 04, 2013 23:34

Hi all. Yeah. Maus has NOT been around lately... well, i've been around, lurking, reading, avoiding anything too strenuous. And y'all have NO IDEA how much i've enjoyed/reveled in/devoured the fun/hot/sexy/funny stuff that's come up on my f-list ( Read more... )


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Comments 7

nakeisha June 5 2013, 10:21:02 UTC
*Hugs Maus*

Oh, dear :-( Poor you, that must have been horrible - but I'm glad nothing was broken.

*Sends oodles of good vibes your way*


marko_the_rat June 5 2013, 10:55:11 UTC
The main thing is that you're both still okay. I've been worried about you both.


tinnean June 5 2013, 12:06:50 UTC
Hi maus! I was just thinking of the CSI story you wrote back in the day. I hope the muse comes back to you soon.

And here's hoping you feel better soonest. A stomach virus can really wipe you out. Plenty of fluids, ok?



goddessmaat June 5 2013, 19:10:40 UTC
Glad to hear you're doing ok despite the stuff you've had going on.*hugs*


noble_knave June 5 2013, 20:36:43 UTC


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