you know, i really need to post when things are good!

Jun 04, 2013 23:34

Hi all. Yeah. Maus has NOT been around lately... well, i've been around, lurking, reading, avoiding anything too strenuous. And y'all have NO IDEA how much i've enjoyed/reveled in/devoured the fun/hot/sexy/funny stuff that's come up on my f-list.

Things haven't been TOO bad. Work is going WONDERFUL. Stress is a bit high as there are budget cuts/employee cuts in the works - so everyone is stressy. BUT, i don't think it's going to be as horrible for us as everyone is WORRIED it's going to be.

I've been doing more Steampunk stuff (and loving it). Two personnas, two chances for new outfits/back stories/character building. Yeah. It's been fun.

I've done little to NO writing (yeah. there's a shock) but thanks to a certain pup, that's shifting a bit. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the Muse will come back and give me more than just really cool story-lines and short visuals - and give me a whole STORY to write. ::grin::

THEN... there's the Murphy factor.

in the past two months we've buried 3 friends (all unexpectedly), found out that my mom's headstone has NOT been placed (after a YEAR) ::sigh::, dad's still being dad ::double sigh:: - and it was reinforced that Murphy likes to f**k with maus and Ma'am.

Last Wed we had some SERIOUSLY heavy rain and as this is the first HEAVY rain we've had since i moved into this area... i didn't realize how BADLY some of the streets flooded. SO... i ended up on a flooded street. It wasn't flooded when i started down it... there was a lot of water off the side streets and in the gutters, but the street i was on was clear in the middle. Until i hit the middle of a block where there was a DIP... and the car flooded out. I was on my way to work. ::sigh:: SO, i called Ma'am and she came to help push me out and get me back home. Well, long story short, we got the car pushed out and then had to WALK back to her car which was two blocks away.

guess who THOUGHT she'd found the street level after crossing a yard?

Guess who had ACTUALLY found a WIDE SECTION of drainage gutter.... and slipped off the ACTUAL curb into 2 1/2 feet of flood water onto her hands and knees with enough force that her head went under water?

Yeah, that would be the maus.

Guess who had a panic attack because getting caught in something like that and NOT being able to get free is a MAJOR phobia? (i was just off balance enough and the water was moving JUST enough that i couldn't get to my feet right away)

Guess who thought she'd killed 1) her car, 2) her ipod, 3) her cell phone and 4) her Nook? (luckily there was DAMAGE, but everything has been recovered to the point that they are useable... even if they're a bit... quirky now.)

THEN, to add insult to injury, Sunday i came down with a stomach virus and spent so much time with my body purging that i STILL hurt and have been out of work for 2 days. Luckily, i've had xrays and it's NOT that i've broken anything in my back or hip (a fear with how much i was hurting) - just jarred things. I'm doing a bit better - but Ma'am's coming down with it as of this evening. ::double sigh!::

Good news is, nothing's broken or damaged beyond repair. I have a new doctor (my old one moved but Ma'am's doc took me on as a new patient!) and know that, while i DO have arthritis in my back and am looking at several vertebra that will likely fuse together in time, i'm actually doing ok all things considered. I go back to work tomorrow (only up this late right now because i'm waiting for the pain pills to kick in before i try to lay down and sleep) and we'll see how things go. I'm sure it will be fine, but i have a feeling i'm gonna be WIPED by the end of the day.

Keep your fingers crossed for me, folks, i'm gonna need all the good vibes i can get.

Oh, and good, happy, sweet, sexy fic. That's ALWAYS helpful. ::wicked grin::

Hope life is treating y'all kindly and that because Murphy's been focused on this area he's been leaving the rest of y'all alone! ::hugs my f-list::

the maus

ps - WHEN DID THEY CHANGE THE LJ LAYOUT... AGAIN!?!?! ::sigh:: why can't people leave well enough alone? ::double sigh:: Not liking the new look guys. SERIOUSLY not liking the new look! AND HOW THE HELL ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO DO AN LJ CUT NOW????? This makes no sense. ::grumble::


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