copied from our facebook

Nov 12, 2012 20:53

This... this has been my day.

okay... over the weekend i spent a bit of my FIRST PAYCHECK (yay!!!) on myself and got some REALLY cool silver, 8 gauge earrings. Unfortunately, what i thought were cool gear/multi directional arrow earrings are indeed chaos symbols (as i was warned by my dear wife). And DAMN if they didn't prove it to me today. --- anyone have a use for a gallon (minus 1 1/2 cups) of blueberry flavored powdered sugar?

And a few notes to help you learn from our mistakes: 1) blueberry flavored powdered sugar and peanut butter don't mix!, 2) it doesn't matter HOW WELL you clean out a glass jar that contained blueberry tea leaves... it will FLAVOR whatever you put into it - like powdered sugar, 3) trying to make peanut butter frosting for the pan of brownies cooling on the stove after a day of SERIOUS MONDAYNESS is SOOOO not a relaxing (or good) idea.

anyone need a pair of 8 gauge silver earrings that are apparently chaos symbols? free to a good home - though see above before you decide. ::sigh::

okay y'all. i'm off to see how well peanut butter and nutella mix into a brownie frosting. i think i've earned some chocolate today.


silliness, learning experiences, rl

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