Well hello there!
It's still "Brush Up Your Shakespeare Month" here at Writing and Ruminating, and I'm fixing to announce this week's contest. The prize? Why it's a brand-new DVD of the 1989 Kenneth Branagh film version of HENRY V that comes boxed with a Cliffs Notes guide to the play. I'll be opening my copy and watching it later tonight, but the copy for the winner will remain in pristine condition.
The subject line to this post, "Once more into the breach!" is a quote from Henry V. In order to enter this week's contest, here's what you have to do:
1. Comment on THIS POST.
2. Include your favorite quote from ANY Shakespeare play. Please to provide the quote, the name of the play, and the Act and Scene. (Yes, I realize this may cause you to require the use of Google. But if you can read blogs, you can google a quote to enter a contest. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.)
That's it friends. Entries will close at midnight Eastern time on Sunday. The winner will be selected by some version of randomness to be randomly decided upon later. (I was going to let Keith draw the winner, but he'll be flying to Kenya on Sunday for more mission work (no kidding!), so I'm afraid he won't be available.)
Again, to enter the contest, comment here with your favorite quote and its citation information. If you do not have a LiveJournal account, please leave a name so I can hunt you down later.