Title: Five Creatures That Luna Believes In That Hermione Doesn’t* (*But One That She Might)
Author: Kelly Chambliss
Rating: PG
Characters: Luna, her dad, Hermione, Ron, Neville, Crabbe, Millicent, Ginny, the Fat Lady, Professors McGonagall and Vector. And a pairing to be named later.
Word Count: 4200
Warnings: Fantastical creatures. Secret snogging
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Comments 16
I really liked how all 5 incidents could be explained just the way that Luna sees them or they could equally well be explained in a completely non-creature involving way. That was very nicely done.
I think this is the first story I actually read with Harry/Hermione, and I absolutely love how they are kept to a (merciful) minimum whereas we get to hear about the considerably more interesting pairing of McGonagall and Vector :-)
Some of my favourite lines:
and then, as Luna and Xenophilius stood motionless and hopeful, holding hands and breaths, it had actually -- really and truly -- blibbered at her.
Vince grunted. "There's plenty ways of being smart, me mum says. Book-smart's only one of 'em."
he Quibbler was safe, because every spring, Mr Lovegood took a special spore-blocking potion that made him impervious to the flinkrumus's effects
"They don't seem to think they owe us portraits any explanation about anything. They just expect us to open and shut at their whims, as if we aren't part of the castle community, too." And, together with the first one and the blibbering, this one ( ... )
This is fantastic. I loved the silly. I find that with Luna fics, half the time I exit out before I get to the end. This time I got to the end and wished there was more. Thank you for this. :)
I love the creatures. Funny to me that when I was a kid, I create similar creatures in my mind for all these silly situations the people in my life got into without clear communication or observation (at least of the right things!).
Lovely story!
"silly" parts, too, because they can be such fun.
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