Title: Five Creatures That Luna Believes In That Hermione Doesn’t* (*But One That She Might)
Author: Kelly Chambliss
Rating: PG
Characters: Luna, her dad, Hermione, Ron, Neville, Crabbe, Millicent, Ginny, the Fat Lady, Professors McGonagall and Vector. And a pairing to be named later.
Word Count: 4200
Warnings: Fantastical creatures. Secret snogging
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Comments 16
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/g/ I know. . .the things we do for fests. But it was the recipient's OTP, and I know how that feels.
So glad you enjoyed this. And thanks -- I much prefer "funny" over "silly" as an assessment. It was fun to think up the creatures.
"No offense, Nev, but your gran is --" How perfectly Ron. And how kind, in spite of his natural-born clumsiness, to stop there.
Even if he had a case to make, which he didn't. Alas, that's our Ron, too ...
Luna thought that perhaps Madam Pince remained silent because she didn't want to discourage this first sign of his academic interest. The way I see it, Mme Pince knows the importance of experiences other than academic ones.
Her father had once told her an interesting tale about the time a verret had sat under the chair of Ron Weasley's Auntie Muriel. . . And at this point, you decided, for reasons best known to yourself, that we wanted a teen-age snog fest. Which is what got me started. I'll post somewhere this week.
"Why, Vince Crabbe! I do believe you've got a romantic streak. Love this Regency-times slyness of our Millicent!
" ( ... )
The Kink Fest starts up this week...I'll lay money there won't be a broom fic at all.
Luna is probably my favourite student character in both books and films, I love her dreamyness. You write her so well, the way she sees the world, how she believes in those creatures no one else believes in, how she pays more attention to what's going on...
I can't decide which parts I liked best, the whole story is perfect. Harry and Hermione making out on the Quidditch patch, McGonagall and Vector on that (perfectly transfigured) bench, even Millicent and Crabbe! All the creatures sound really fantastic, especially the Wrackspurt, there must be a whole colony in my room.
I so hope you'll write more Luna at some point!
The wrackspurt is canon, but I made up all the others, which was fun. But yeah, I have no trouble believing in wrackspurts at all.
You may already have read this story, but if not, I think you'll like it: McGonagall/Vector -- "Two"
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