Title: Brambles And Bones Rating/Warning: Mature (language) Wordcount: 3,517 Spoilers: None Fandom: SPN By: kellifer_fic Category: Gen - wing!fic (Sam/OFC implied) Notes: Part of my gen wing!fic verse. Thanks to *superfox* for the superfast beta. Further author's notes at the bottom. Disclaimer: Written for entertainment purposes only. No money, no sue.
*sniffle* It's sad, but it's also REALLY good. And omg, dude. I am FLOORED AND HONORED you want to take Kelly and her daughter into your 'verse. It's like I get to be this teeny tiny part of it FOREVER. *bounces*
I feel bad about the way this contributes to the ongoing damage Sam has about his love life and his place in the world. He takes it so personally and so much to heart: that there's something WRONG inside him, rather than the fact that he's a powerful and valuable asset. It's the OH, SAM moment and it makes me want to feed him homemade chicken soup and pet his hair and then ravish him until he forgets all them other bitchez. *coughs
( ... )
I was absolutely chuffed that you would write a little snippet in my 'verse because hon, you're one of the first SPN writers I started reading and I was knocked out... :)
And Kelly is going to be *more* involved because I adore her so stay tuned... *laughs*
Comments 51
I look forward to more!
I feel bad about the way this contributes to the ongoing damage Sam has about his love life and his place in the world. He takes it so personally and so much to heart: that there's something WRONG inside him, rather than the fact that he's a powerful and valuable asset. It's the OH, SAM moment and it makes me want to feed him homemade chicken soup and pet his hair and then ravish him until he forgets all them other bitchez. *coughs ( ... )
And Kelly is going to be *more* involved because I adore her so stay tuned... *laughs*
loved the story. and i cannot wait to read more in this universe that you've created!
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