Title: Brambles And Bones Rating/Warning: Mature (language) Wordcount: 3,517 Spoilers: None Fandom: SPN By: kellifer_fic Category: Gen - wing!fic (Sam/OFC implied) Notes: Part of my gen wing!fic verse. Thanks to *superfox* for the superfast beta. Further author's notes at the bottom. Disclaimer: Written for entertainment purposes only. No money, no sue.
:D I think there's going to be a short future time stamp ficlet in the next few hours because I'm feeling schmoopy and want to make the boys all better... :) At least... temporarily.
Plus, my work is ridiculously dead because everyone has holidays but meeee!
I love this verse and really like this installment...I got the idea from one of your last chapters with the YED and Henrickson that there might be trouble looming on the horizon and I think I was right :-)
Wow. I think I must be one of the only ones that doesn't want Sam to have a girlfriend. He's got Dean. Is that just mean? Anyway - I'm so happy to see more wing!fic from you! I love this universe and you just nail them so perfectly. More,please?
Comments 51
Plus, my work is ridiculously dead because everyone has holidays but meeee!
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I'm thinking of writing a small future time stamp ficlet to make myself (and Sam) feel better about being so mean to him... :D
Thank you for sharing your playgound!
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Anyway - I'm so happy to see more wing!fic from you! I love this universe and you just nail them so perfectly. More,please?
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