[Fic] Get No Harder | J2 | NC17 | master post

Dec 04, 2010 10:30


pairing. Jensen/Jared.
rating. NC17 [please see warnings]
warnings. au. implied/described drug use, violence, and childhood trauma [with memories relating to all three].
words. 30,000

It was the summer that made coming back to life worthwhile.

Based off of Farmer's Daughter, which is a terrible, terrible country song.

part one | part two | part three
Download the PDF

Farmer's Daughter by Rodney Atkins
Hard Enough by Brandon Flowers

I'm going to start by saying, this is ridiculous. The inspiration for this story, the word count, and everything I went through to get it written. All of it, ridiculous. I mean, the farmer's son, really? It sounds cliched when you don't look deeper, but from the beginning, Jared was more than the farmer's son and Jensen was so VERY much more.

This began when I had a bad day at work. I got in my car, flipped through radio stations, and settled on some twangy country. Farmer's Daughter was the next song in the queue. I'd never heard it before, but the lines were clear and the picture was formed before I even got home. Jared was the wayward son and Jensen was the addict, looking for work and looking to save himself. He found so much more. ♥

I love this story, I do. For all I complained about it, I'm proud of it. It's my longest one-shot that wasn't written for Big Bang and I consider it a huge accomplishment no matter what.

As a point of interest, about 25,000 words of this 30,000 word story were written by hand and then typed out. This started in one lab notebook [graph paper!] and ended in another -- I can provide photographic evidence if necessary. :) Hopefully I never have to write another story that way again! Ouch.

My biggest thanks go to dugindeep. Without Amy, this story would never have made it past a few thousand words. She loved the characters and she made ME love the characters and she never left me stop or give up on it. THEN, she had to go and provide ~inspiration, and it didn't end there! She beta'ed the story, too! I was about to make her a co-author because she helped so much :) Seriously, don't thank me for writing it, thank her for reading it. ILU, AMY!

And thanks to twofourteen, matalinolukaret, superwicked, joans23, and juice817 who were always encouraging in their own silly and serious ways, and fighting over the story. FARMERS, Y'ALL! IT'S DONE! What am I going to talk about on Twitter now?

my fiction, faaaaarmers, jay squared

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