Mini Fic: Blanket Coverage | j2 | pg

Dec 08, 2010 13:01

Blanket Coverage
J2. 794 words. PG for cuddles.
This is mostly about Jared and Jensen, but matalinolukaret started a 'verse where Tom Brady and Jared Padalecki are cousins. (It's the hair!) We were talking about Tom's hair after MNF this week, and how similar it was to Jared's these days, so I wrote this for her based on our conversation. Forgive the altering of the Pats' end-of-the-year schedule.

After Monday Night Football, Jared stays awake to catch Sportscenter. He clicks the volume up a notch so he can hear the analysis, and Jensen makes an unhappy little noise where he’s tucked in bed against Jared’s shoulder.

The broadcast switches to Tom’s press conference a quarter of the way through the show. Tom is sporting a new look this week: clean-shaven with his long hair finger-combed behind his ears, looking a lot like Jared had over the Thanksgiving holiday. Jared hadn’t noticed before - his cousin had worn a thermal hood under his helmet for the entire game - and he dives for his phone on the bedside table.

His jerky movements dislodge Jensen, whose answering murmur is much less happy. Jared fits himself carefully back underneath his boyfriend’s cheek.

Sometimes, it’s better to let Sleeping Beauty sleep.

Texting is difficult with the weight of Jensen’s upper-body hindering his left arm.

Nxt time ask first if u want 2 copy my hairstyle. I’m flattered, Tommy.

His chest shakes with amusement which he quells before he wakes Jensen up. Setting his phone on his lap, Jared watches post-game coverage until he’s nearly asleep, the chime of a text bringing him back.

G liked ur look at thanksgiving. Should I go blond 2 so ppl can tell us apart?

No, cuz if Jen likes it, Sam W. will end up as a blond too. Nice game btw.

Jared waits a few minutes between responses. He can’t imagine Tommy having a low-key night after a big win like this. Bored, Jared snaps a picture of Jensen’s sleep-slackened face pressed against his shoulder, and sends it on to Tom.

Jen couldn’t stay up 4 the press conf. Got a long week ahead and he’s using me as a pillow.

Careful he doesn’t wake up. You’ll be in trouble.

A heavy hand bats the phone out of Jared’s fingers.

“I’m tryin’ to sleep,” Jensen mumbles, lips wet on Jared’s skin. His attack on Jared is uncoordinated and lazy, but effective, keeping Jared from texting off a reply.

“It’s Tommy, and he says you look adorable when you’re sleeping,” Jared teases, trying to keep the phone out of Jensen’s sloth-like reach. With only one hand to type with, Jared’s texts end up sloppy and barely readable, Jensen keeping the other arm pinned.

“Can’t text with one hand, Jen.”

Jensen yawns and closes his eyes, pleased with his prize of Jared’s left arm wrapped up with his own. “Guess what else you’ll be doing one-handed if you don’t stop?”

Uh oh. Jen’s threatening 2 withhold sex if I don’t go 2 bed.

Better go, Jay. When G threatens that, she’s always serious.

I’m def going, then. We’ll see you and G in Miami!

Jared stretches to set his phone back on the table, tugging Jensen right along with him. Jensen’s face is washed in muted colors from the television, soft blues and greens across his eyes. He looks peaceful, but it’s a trap. If Jared doesn’t turn off the television and feed Jensen’s addiction to shared body heat, Jensen will up and pounce faster than a pissed-off spirit.

Digging the remote out of the comforter’s folds, Jared flicks the television off and curls down into the body-warmed sheets. Jensen’s mouth curly-cues up into a victorious smirk. Game over.

When Jared closes his eyes, he envisions the beach. Hot sand on the bottom of his feet; late winter sun still thick on his shoulders. He can’t wait to fly to Miami just after the New Year, surprising Jensen with four days in Florida and box seats to the Patriots-Dolphins game courtesy of his big cousin.

Defrosting from days and nights in the Vancouver cold, soaking up whatever sun they can, and making the most of their winter hiatus. Jared will take Jensen to a club or two - something out of the way where Jared can watch Jensen shake his ass to a feisty Latin beat - and Jensen’ll let Jared sleep in one day while he plays a round of eighteen on one of the lush Florida courses.

Fuck, Jared hates waiting. And he hates keeping secrets, because the happiness is bound to burst right out of him one of these days. Best just to keep working hard and cramming long days into the schedule before the break.

At least he still gets to come home with Jensen, turning him from grouchy to soft with a kiss or two, a big dinner, and recorded episodes of Mad Men.

No, Jared can’t complain.

Jensen’s hold goes lax, now that he’s fallen into a deep sleep, freeing Jared’s arm. Instead of pulling away, Jared wraps himself around Jensen with every limb.

If Jensen wants to cuddle so badly, he’s in for a treat when he wakes up.


While I have no issues writing about Jared and Jensen, it feels WEIRD to write about Tom and Gisele. IS THIS WHAT BEING IN OTHER FANDOMS IS LIKE?

my fiction, i'd tap brady's ass, jay squared, one-shot

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