The Gardenia Gods Are Smiling!

May 12, 2009 13:02

  For anyone who's ever tried to grow a Gardenia, you'll understand why I feel that now, I can truly die in (metaphorical) peace.
 There's a web discussion, known as the " Infamous Suicidal Gardenia Thread " found at

This is only the tip of the iceberg concerning my love/hate relationship with these bitc...lovelies. Why they have to be such prima donnas', we can only surmise. I truly believe they DO know how exquisite they are, and that the planet, perhaps universe, does revolve around their divine scent. Basically, they're the SMU cheerleaders of the plant world. Last year I caved in, again, and bought one from the nursery I work at. I should know better, but obsession has no bounds, at least without intervention. It died so fast, I didn't even return it for a refund, because everyone would know what a garden-failure I really was.
  Since then, I've done all the research possible on keeping these things alive, because once you walk out the garden-gate with one, all bets are off. I decided to change my attitude and put the blame squarely off my shoulders, onto the beast itself.
  So I bought another one. It was a seasonal reject and placed in the "Discount Plant" markdown section, where anything you buy should be considered dead until proven otherwise. I took my $3.47 science experiment home and did just one single thing : I spread as much sphagnum peat moss over the existing container soil as it would hold. After watering in thoroughly, I then made sure to keep it semi-moist, and within two weeks, it started to get greener.
  And taller.
    With BUDS!...FIVE of them! ( knuckle-bite YES! ).
 Today it Bloomed, and the first of these fragrant beauties is here to present.

(note to self-get better camera, skilz included?)
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