Previously; Tone found her Sam, they got two kids who finally turned into teenagers! [
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What's Tone not caring about?
Oh, just Sam going crazy.
Maybe if you'd shower, you'd feel better?
Tintin still loves to smustle!
After many sim-years of only eating if some one else made the food; Sam FINALLY made his own food!
And then he danced all by himself.
Timotej is not a fan of her grades.
Tintin is though.
Sam congratulates Timotej on being born.
And then Tone got old! While getting some money from the trees, they have served us well over the years :)
:) But now, even though I hate playing the place, it was time for uni!
Sam is sad to see Tintin go.
And soon her sister joined her. BUT WHO WILL BE HEIR???
Here she is: Tintin! I have liked her since she was a kid, and I just felt she might be fun to play. Even though her sister, who is a knowledge sim, might be easier to please, a fortune sim can turn out to be a great heir as well.
I sent them out to try to find some fun people to talk to.
There weren't that many people around, so I made Tintin make them something to eat.
Then they went bowling!
And Tintin found Anneli. (Tintin is bisexual)
She is quite pretty, and they got along really well!
Graduation! How much did I speed up Uni? A lot. I hate playing it.
This is what Tintin transformed into.
Here's Timotej in her apartment.
Here's her stats. She could've been fun. I will miss her dearly, but now it's time to head back, play Tintin and try to start Generation 3!
Torch-Holders: 2
Perma-Platinum sims: 0
Shrink Visits: 0
Social Bunny Visits: 0
Social Worker Visits: 0
Accidental Deaths: 0
Number of Special Tombstones vs. Total Death Count: 0
Reach top of a career: 0
100,000: 0